
1、我默默祈祷愿圣诞老人能在即将到来的圣诞之夜送我一个与我牵手同伴共同度过这奇妙的圣诞夜,结果他将你送给我。 I pray silently that Santa Claus will send me a wonderful Christmas night to spend with my companion hand in hand on the coming Christmas night, and he will send you to me as a result.




5、平安夜送你一件外套:前面是平安,后面是幸福。吉祥是领子,如意是袖子,快乐是扣子,口袋里满是温暖,穿上吧,让它相伴你的每一天! Christmas Eve to send you a coat: the front is peace, the back is happiness. Auspicious is the collar, Ruyi is the sleeve, happiness is the button, the pocket is full of warmth, put it on, let it accompany you every day!

6、 雪花飘飘装饰美奂纯净世界,是我送给你最美丽的风景;悠悠钟声点缀夜的宁静,是我对你深情的祝福;平安夜将至,用短信将我的心意发送,愿你幸福快乐!

7、在这无雪飘零的冬日,在这无你陪伴的平安夜,请允许我对你说声:圣诞快乐,我永远爱你! In this snowless winter, in this silent Christmas Eve, please allow me to say to you: Merry Christmas, I love you forever!

8、快了,快了,平安夜的钟声马上就要敲响了!怀抱着梦想和希望睡去吧,明天早晨,你一定会收到圣诞老人给你最好的礼物:阳光!祝你平安! Come on, come on, the bell of Christmas Eve will ring soon! Go to sleep with dreams and hopes. Tomorrow morning, you will receive the best gift from Santa Claus: sunshine! Peace to you!

9、 平安夜,传喜悦,吉祥氛围飘万里;钟声响,雪花飘,温馨浪漫到你家;欢喜夜,送祝福,愿我最爱的老师一生永平安、祝平安夜快乐!

10、雪花飘洒,牵动着我的情怀;钟声悠扬,传送着我的问候;焰火缤纷,表达着我对你的祝愿。平安夜到了,愿你快乐幸福,直到永远! Snowflakes, affecting my feelings; bell melodious, transmitting my greetings; fireworks, expressing my wishes to you. Christmas Eve is here. May you be happy forever!

11、如果你是圣诞,我就是元旦,你是圣诞老人,我就是驯鹿道夫,你是圣诞老婆婆,我就是圣诞老公公,老婆,祝你圣诞乐! If you are Christmas, I am new years day, you are Santa Claus, I am reindeer doffer, you are Santa mother-in-law, I am Santa father-in-law, wife, I wish you a merry Christmas!

12、一阵阵冬风,给你吉祥,一串串铃铛,给你健康,一首首圣诞的歌谣,给你好运,一棵棵美丽的圣诞树,给你幸福。祝你平安夜圣诞节快乐! A gust of winter wind, give you luck, a string of bells, give you health, a Christmas ballad, give you good luck, a beautiful Christmas tree, give you happiness. Happy Christmas Eve to you!

13、你伤了我的心,因此我要诅咒你:让快乐的雪花冻死你;让好运的流星砸死你;在平安夜里发出我的祝福,让你对着手机幸福死。 You hurt my heart, so I want to curse you: let the happy snowflakes freeze you; let the good luck meteor smash you; send my blessing on the safe night, let you die happily in front of the mobile phone.


15、 我愿化作一片绿叶,把祝福洒满在这个美丽的夜晚,随着快乐的风来到你的身边,让幸福的感觉缠绕在你心间,平安夜,真诚祝愿你平安如意!




19、 授业解惑,为我开启智慧的大门,孜孜不倦,为我铺就成功的路途,无私奉献,燃烧了自己照亮了我们,感谢恩师,平安夜愿老师平安夜快乐,幸福无边!

20、一分平安,二分祝愿,三分关心,四分想念,五分感谢,六分祈盼,七分真诚,八分信任,九分坚持,十分想说:平安夜快乐! One is peace, two is wish, three is care, four is miss, five is thanks, six is hope, seven is sincerity, eight is trust, nine is persistence, I really want to say: happy Christmas Eve!





25、 钟声敲响,迎来团圆的时刻、夜幕降临,尽享狂欢的午夜、短信频传,拉开幸福的大幕、温馨祝福,愿你好人好梦、平安夜到了,祝永远幸福快乐。

26、不敢对你说,雪花飘去我的思念,不能让你知,有你才有冬日暖阳的眷恋,圣诞节会带给你平安幸运的一年! Dare not say to you, the snowflake drifts away my missing, cannot let you know, has you only then to have the winter warm sun attachment, Christmas will bring you a safe and lucky year!



29、平安夜,平安夜,平平安安快乐夜!平安你,平安我,平安他,平平安安是大家!今夜,我深深的祝福我的朋友:平安夜里请多快乐! Safe night, safe night, safe and happy night! Peace you, peace me, peace him, peace is everyone! Tonight, I deeply wish my friend: how happy you are on Christmas Eve!


31、 平安夜,为你祈一道平安符,许一份平安愿,聚一份平安情,送一份平安礼,铺一条平安路,搭一座平安桥,建一方平安地,得一生平安福、让你平安享人生,幸福走天下。

32、海上生明月,平安共此时;祝福款款来,礼物翩翩至;幸福驾驯鹿,好运不来迟,健康伴全家,其乐美滋滋。真诚祝您平安夜吉祥! A bright moon is born on the sea, at this time of peace; blessings come, gifts come; happiness drives reindeer, good luck never comes late, health accompanies the whole family, happy. I sincerely wish you good luck on Christmas Eve!


34、平安夜的钟声,敲响祝福不断:一福健康平安,二福荣华富贵,三福四季发财,四福梦想成真,五福双喜临门。祝福无限,祝愿朋友一生平安。 The bell on Christmas Eve is ringing with continuous blessings: one blessings for health and peace, two blessings for prosperity, three blessings for wealth in four seasons, four blessings for dreams come true and five blessings for double happiness. I wish you all the best.

35、 一只粉笔,两袖清风,三尺讲台,四季辛劳,五德兼备,六艺精通,品追七贤,桃李八方,久享清誉,十分清贫,千秋功业,万世师表、祝平安夜平安快乐!



38、虽然现在的我只能把思念寄托远方,但我的心却没有改变方向。回忆里甜蜜中有挥不去的感伤,只因你不在身旁。圣诞节快乐! Although now I can only miss the distant place, but my heart has not changed direction. There is sadness in the sweet memory, just because you are not around. Happy Christmas!

39、我愿化作圣诞树上轻轻飘落的雪花儿,为你送上温馨的祝福;我愿化作平安夜里悠扬回荡的钟声,给你带去平安问候!情满朝晖!圣诞节快! I would like to turn into the snowflakes falling gently on the Christmas tree and send you warm wishes. I would like to turn into the melodious ringing of the bell on Christmas Eve and bring you greetings of peace! Full of love! Christmas is fast!


41、平安是一首歌,以快乐为曲,以幸福为词,在人生的山水间吟唱,在岁月的远远近近中回荡。平安夜,为你唱响平安歌,愿你尽享幸福快乐! Peace is a song, with happiness as its song, with happiness as its word, sung in the landscape of life, echoed in the near and far of the years. On Christmas Eve, sing a song of peace for you, and wish you happiness!

42、平安钟声响,祝福身边傍。万事都顺畅,成功任徜徉。爱情喜洋洋,甜蜜心中漾。身体都健康,幸福万年长。祝平安夜快乐欢唱! The bell of peace rings, and I wish you all the best. Everything is smooth and success is free. Love is joyful and sweet. All of them are healthy and happy. Happy Christmas Eve!

43、带上诚挚的祝福,装上甘甜的苹果。载着每时的思念,托着每刻的想念。送去内心的问候,以表对你的牵挂。平安夜快乐,一生平安。 With sincere wishes and sweet apples. Carrying every moment of missing, holding every moment of missing. Send greetings from your heart to show your concern. Happy Christmas Eve, safe life.

44、 你的谆谆教诲是我前行路上的风向标,你的`尽职尽责是我砥砺人生的磨刀石,你的温暖关怀是我吸取能量的加油站、今天是平安夜,老师,愿你平安夜快乐。

45、 平安夜,雪花飘,愿你烦恼随风消,平安夜,看星斗,愿你祝福收一篓,平安夜,堆雪人,愿你心想万事成,平安夜,铃声响,愿你幸福万年长。


47、平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐! The snow falls on Christmas Eve, flying into your heart with my blessing. I press the happy piano key and play Christmas Carols for you sincerely. I wish you a happy and carefree life in the New Year!




51、平安夜,传喜悦,吉祥氛围飘万里;钟声响,雪花飘,温馨浪漫到你家;欢喜夜,送祝福,祝你一生永平安。祝平安夜快乐! Christmas Eve, spread joy, auspicious atmosphere floating thousands of miles; bells ring, snowflakes floating, warm romantic to your home; happy night, send blessings, I wish you a lifetime of peace. Happy Christmas Eve!

52、我的心如冬天的雪花,在这寒冷的圣诞慢慢的飘落,无论我在哪里,我离你只有一个转身的距离,让我的心陪你在这个平安夜里的共同舞起。 My heart is like snow in winter, falling slowly in this cold Christmas. No matter where I am, I only have a turning distance from you, let my heart dance with you in this safe night.


54、健康是金,愿你金相玉质,金枝玉叶,身体固若金汤。平安是福,愿你福星高照,福禄双全,今夜福满乾坤。平安夜,祝你一生幸福平安。 Health is gold. I hope you are of good quality, with good branches and good leaves. Peace is a blessing. May your stars shine brightly and your wealth be both good and good. Tonight you will be blessed. On Christmas Eve, I wish you a happy and safe life.


56、平安夜,带给我们的是一夜的宁静,让我们期待的是圣诞的疯狂,送给我们的是心中的祝福,在此祝福大家平安夜人人平安,快乐幸福。 Christmas Eve brings us the peace of the night, what we are looking forward to is the madness of Christmas, what we are looking forward to is the blessing in our heart, and here we wish everyone a safe, happy and happy Christmas Eve.

57、平安夜你要安安稳稳地睡觉,攒够力气第二天快乐地生蛋,过几天再快乐地圆蛋。为庆祝生蛋圆蛋的快乐,再欢天喜地快快乐乐地过年! On Christmas Eve, you should sleep safely and steadily, save enough energy to lay eggs happily the next day, and then round them happily in a few days. In order to celebrate the joy of laying round eggs, and then happy happy happy New Year!

58、 平安夜里送平安,平平安安伴一生,平安夜里话平安,平平安安是正理,平安夜里祝平安,平平安安才是福,平安夜到到了,愿你平安夜快乐,平安相伴。
