
1、感恩节里尽情享受快乐吧。 Happy Thanksgiving day.

2、thanksgiving day your kindness, i did not tooth unforgettable.

3、上次你帮了我的大忙,我想对你说一声:谢谢!并祝你在新的一年里:事事顺心,身体健康! the last time you helped me a lot, i want to say to you: thank you! and wish you in the new year, everything, good health!

4、工作中领导要求严格,平时领导和我们是好朋友、好兄弟。 strict work leadership, leadership and at ordinary times we are good friends, good brothers.

5、我也许不是您最出色的员工,而您却是我最崇敬的领导,节日快乐! i may not be you the most excellent staff, and you are my most honored leaders, festival happiness!

6、Joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this Thanksgiving!

7、友情是一盏明灯,照亮了我人生的黑暗;友情是一句问候,温暖了我孤冷的感觉;友情是一条短信,表达了我深深的谢意:感恩节来了,请接受我最真挚的心情,感谢路上有你同行,愿你幸福快乐,愿我们情谊源远流长! Friendship is a lamp, the light of my life in the dark; friendship is a warm greeting, I feel cold; friendship is a message, to express my deep gratitude: Thanksgiving is coming, please accept my most sincere thanks for your mood, walking in the road, I wish you happiness. May our friendship has a long history!

8、留不住的是岁月,忘不了的是朋友,谢不尽的是关照,丢不掉的是情义!我珍惜每一位和我一起走过的朋友,我感恩以往岁月里曾经给予支持和帮助过我的朋友!朋友的心意,不在话语多少,只要你能感受到温暖就好,愿你幸福平安,感恩节快乐! Stay is time, forget the friends, thanks endless care, lose friendship! I cherish every walk together with my friends, my past years have given thanks the support and help of my friends friends! Mind, not in words, only you can feel the warmth is good, wish you peace and happiness, happy Thanksgiving!

9、无论将来如何,我都要感谢你,感谢你来到我的生命中,带来了美丽和快乐! No matter what the future may be, I would like to thank you for coming to my life and bringing beauty and happiness.

10、warm wisheat thanksgiving.

11、I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper. 希望你吃过感恩节晚餐后能生出点感恩之情。

12、What a wonderful time to be together. 在一起的时光多么快乐

13、父母、朋友,大多数人都会感恩。可是却有些我们应该感恩,而常常被我们遗漏的人和事。 parents, friends, most people will be grateful. but we should be thankful, and is often we miss people and things.

14、I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving. 我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节

15、感恩节是一年中最好的节日。 Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.

16、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切……任何时间,请接受我最真心的祝愿! Thank you for your care, for your help, for everything you have done to me... At any time, please accept my sincere wishes!

17、感恩是如同一颗透明的水晶,让人倍感珍惜。用心体会每一次感动,你会收获美丽与欣喜。 gratitude is like a transparent crystal, let a person feel more cherish. feel moved every time, you will reap beauty and joy.

18、在您的身上,我懂得了人生的意义,看到了真正的生命之光! On you, I understand the meaning of life and see the real light of life!

19、在您的身上,我懂得了人生的意义,看到了真正的生命之光! in your body, i know what the meaning of life, see the light of real life!

20、though we are not with you but we miss you all on this thanksgiving day.虽然感恩节你不能和我们在一起,但是我们会想念你的。

21、Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family. 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。

22、很多人、很多事,其咎盖源于不会、不愿感恩,鸦有反哺之义,羊有跪乳之恩,不懂感恩,就失去了爱的感情基础。 Many people, many things, the blame is due to will not, unwilling to be grateful, crow has the meaning of feeding back, sheep have kneeling breast, do not know gratitude, lost the emotional basis of love.

23、感恩节祝福送你:一祝身体好,二祝心情妙,三祝运气佳,四祝家庭好,五祝学业顺,六祝事业高。感恩天天有,幸福到永久! Thanksgiving wishes to send you: I wish good health, two happy mood, three good luck, four good family, five wish academic progress, six wish career high. Thanksgiving every day, happiness to forever!

24、不计辛勤一砚寒,桃熟流丹,李熟技残,种花容易树人难。幽谷飞香不一般,诗满人间,画满人间,英才济济笑开颜。 Regardless of hard work and cold inkstone, peach ripening and flowering Dan, Li ripening is technically disabled, it is easy to plant flowers and difficult to cultivate people. Valley Feixiang is not ordinary, poetry is full of the world, paintings are full of the world, gifted and smiling.

25、thicard ito let you know that you have done a super joraising uchildren.

26、谢谢你!总是在我最失落的时候出现,有你这样的好朋友在我身边,我真的感到很幸福。 Thank you! Always appear when I am most lost. I really feel very happy to have a good friend like you around me.

27、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me。

28、If one day I got lost in the wind and rain I know you will heal the pain for me, maybe we eventually the world will be different but I know you will accompany me in the wind and rain, thank you!

29、thousand of time i have thought of you .mheart igoing high into the air and flying with mblessing towardyou i dont care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happand i am happwhen i think of you!

30、Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year. 感恩节是一年中最好的节日。

31、真正珍惜生命,我们寻求伴侣。感谢你作我的伴侣。我很感激! really cherish life, we are looking for partners. thank you for being my partner. i am very grateful!

32、Joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this Thanksgiving! 感恩节里尽情享受快乐吧

33、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together. 没有你的节日我会感到难过

34、Have a mid-full thanksgiving .感恩节请勿暴饮暴食。

35、May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles 希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

36、感恩节要说我们都爱你们。 Thanksgiving Day to say we all love you.

37、This will be our first Thanksgiving apart. 第一次不在一起过感恩节

38、Have a FULL Thanksgiving day! 感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧

39、生活里,有很多转瞬即逝,像在车站告别,刚刚还相互拥抱,转眼已各自天涯。 In life, there are many fleeting moments, such as farewell at the station, just embracing each other, in a twinkling of an eye has their own horizons.

40、在感恩节,我们要想到那些不幸的人们。 On Thanksgiving Day, we have to think of those unfortunate people.

41、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving。 我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

42、感谢有你,我真诚的朋友! Thank you, my sincere friend!

43、We assure you with confidence, you can give us any business, we will be in full to do to make you satisfied.

44、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切,任何时间,请接受我最真心的祝愿! Thank you for your care, thank you for your help, thank you for everything you have done to me, any time, please accept my sincere wishes!

45、你是我的宝贝,你是我的花,谢谢你对我的帮助,谢谢你的爱护。 You are my baby, you are my flower, thank you for your help, thank you for your love.

46、God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always! 上帝会保佑你和你的家人

47、I will be home for thanksgiving ,so save a little turkey for me . 我会回家过感恩节的,所以请留点火鸡给我啊。

48、没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你的感谢不会减少一分。 have no gorgeous language, no rhetoric words, but i thank you for you will not reduce a portion.

49、希望你吃过感恩节晚餐后能生出点感恩之情。 I hope you can give birth to a feeling of gratitude after Thanksgiving dinner.

50、谢谢你的关心,谢谢你的帮助,谢谢你对我的爱。衷心谢谢! Thank you for your concern, your help, and your love for me. Thank you very much.

51、谢谢你安抚我受伤的心灵,让我的生活充满阳光! Thank you for soothing my wounded heart and filling my life with sunshine!

52、不管是贫穷还是富有,疾病或是健康,永远与你不离不弃,亲爱的老婆,感谢你对我的照顾! whether poor or rich, disease or health, and always with you, my dear wife, thank you for your care!

53、This will be our first thanksgiving apart. 这将是我们 第一次不在一起过感恩节。

54、I wouldnt want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else.

55、Wish you a very special Thanksgiving Day for you and your family. 愿你们有一个特别的感恩节

56、In previous work, the more you give, I fully understand and strong support to express deep respect and sincere gratitude, let us create a better tomorrow!

57、A card can say more than a thousand words. Happy Thanks giving day!

58、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.

59、I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving. 但愿你能来陪我过感恩节
