1、I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.

2、沙对风说:谢谢你带我浪迹天涯;地对天说:谢谢你呵护我暮暮朝朝;树对花说:谢谢你让我美丽动人;我对你说:谢谢你陪我走到今天。感恩节愿你快乐! The wind sand said: Thank you for bringing me the world; on day said: Thank you for loving me day and night; tree flower said: Thank you for making me beautiful; I say to you: Thank you to accompany me to go today. Thanksgiving Day wish you happy!

3、Wish you a very special Thanksgiving Day for you and your family.

4、感恩,是人性善的'反映;感恩,是一种生活态度,是一种品德,是一片肺腑之言。 Gratitude is a reflection of the goodness of human nature; Gratitude is an attitude towards life, a moral character, and a statement from the heart.

5、很多人、很多事,其咎盖源于不会、不愿感恩,鸦有反哺之义,羊有跪乳之恩,不懂感恩,就失去了爱的感情基础。 Many people, many things, the blame is due to will not, unwilling to be grateful, crow has the meaning of feeding back, sheep have kneeling breast, do not know gratitude, lost the emotional basis of love.

6、Thanksgiving day drips of tu, does yongquan phase when i reported.

7、感激是扇没有上锁的门,不需要钥匙便能打开。 Gratitude is an unlocked door that can be opened without a key.

8、盼望能和你一起共度感恩节。 Hope to spend Thanksgiving with you.

9、真正珍惜生命,我们寻求伴侣。感谢你作我的伴侣。我很感激! really cherish life, we are looking for partners. thank you for being my partner. i am very grateful!

10、You grabbed my sloping side of life, great water as the soul of my recovery cruising forward, forward.

11、thanksgiving day drips of tu, does yongquan phase when i reported.

12、Thank the leadership for a long time of care care and inclusive, I can only do our best to get the job done, to repay the leaderships concern.

13、What a wonderful time to be together. 在一起的时光多么快乐

14、Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family. 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。

15、换一种角度去看待人生的失意与不幸,怀着感恩的心生活,生活将赐予你灿烂的阳光。 Look at the disappointment and misfortune of life from another angle. Live with gratitude. Life will give you brilliant sunshine.

16、to give thankat thanksgiving we should help the lesfortunate.

17、感恩不一定要感谢大恩大德,感恩可以是一种生活态度,一种善于发现美并欣赏美的道德情操。 Gratitude does not necessarily mean gratitude for generosity. Gratitude can be an attitude towards life, a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty.

18、I love to eat, so I love thanksgiving .我爱吃,所以 我爱感恩节。

19、没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你的感谢不会减少一分。 have no gorgeous language, no rhetoric words, but i thank you for you will not reduce a portion.

20、I wouldn't want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else. 我只愿和你共度感恩节

21、I wouldnt want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.

22、let uobserve a moment of silence for those who are not able to be so thankful.

23、God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always!

24、Have a MID-FULL Thanksgiving! 感恩节请不要暴饮暴食

25、Love you all this Thanksgiving Day. 感恩节里更加爱你。

26、上天安全的仅仅是时间、地点和人物,而你让我体验了生命的全部!谢谢你的爱! god safety is just the time, place and characters, and you let me experience all of life! thank you for your love!

27、因为有你们,才使得平凡的我,有了不平凡的生命。 Because of you, it makes ordinary me, have extraordinary life.

28、如果我能在几天之间获得别人几周几个月甚至几年的情绪波动,那其实我得到的是更多的。 if i can in a few days between a few weeks, months or even years, mood swings, that i get is more actually.

29、Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。

30、Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! 愿你有一个美妙的感恩节!

31、老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。 Teacher, thank you for illuminating my journey of life with your own light of life.

32、朋友,让我轻轻的说声你好,虽然人生难免有聚有散,但你却是我心中,最珍惜最难忘的朋友。 friend, let me gently say hello, although life unavoidably have gathered, but you are my heart, the most cherish the most unforgettable friends.

33、给你们全家感恩节的祝福。 Thanksgiving wishes for your family.

34、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving。 我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

35、感恩节祝福送你:一祝身体好,二祝心情妙,三祝运气佳,四祝家庭好,五祝学业顺,六祝事业高。感恩天天有,幸福到永久! Thanksgiving wishes to send you: I wish good health, two happy mood, three good luck, four good family, five wish academic progress, six wish career high. Thanksgiving every day, happiness to forever!

36、i will be home for thanksgiving so save a little turkefor me.

37、不管是贫穷还是富有,疾病或是健康,永远与你不离不弃,亲爱的老婆,感谢你对我的照顾! whether poor or rich, disease or health, and always with you, my dear wife, thank you for your care!

38、Joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this Thanksgiving! 感恩节里尽情享受快乐吧

39、父母、朋友,大多数人都会感恩。可是却有些我们应该感恩,而常常被我们遗漏的人和事。 parents, friends, most people will be grateful. but we should be thankful, and is often we miss people and things.

40、Have a FULL Thanksgiving day! 感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧

41、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我所做的一切。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福! Thank you for your care, for your help, for all you have done to me. Please accept my wishes for the New Year and wish you peace and happiness.

42、感恩节里尽情享受快乐吧。 Happy Thanksgiving day.

43、Though we are not with you but we miss you all on this Thanksgiving Day. 虽然感恩节你不能和我们在一起,但是我们会想念你的。

44、I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving. 但愿你能来陪我过感恩节

45、感恩有你,感恩有我,愿大家在以后的人生道路中时刻感恩,勇敢面对生活! Thanksgiving has you, Thanksgiving has me, I wish you all in the future life road always thanksgiving, brave face life!

46、赐予我生命者,赐予我一粥一饭者,赐予我无尽关爱者,我心中都存有无限的感激。 Those who give me life, those who give me porridge and meals, those who give me endless love, I have infinite gratitude in my heart.
