


Qingming, a life of nostalgia for martial arts, since ancient times, has admired the ancestors and missed the customs of the old people since ancient times. Therefore, in such a stormy pear flower, we came to the Cemetery of the Martyrs of Huanghekou for grave sweeping activities.


All the way to Kenli, entering the cemetery, around a desolate scene: around the weeds around the weeds, the doors leading to the monumental forests, the dark pressure, how sad!


The center of the cemetery is a very tall tombstone. We can't help standing off and standing together. A few students next to them raised their flags. Two high school students dedicated their wreaths to the tombstone and dedicated to the brave revolutionary martyrs on the battlefield.Then, it's silent ...


I lowered my head and silently, and countless pictures flashed in my mind -the brave revolutionary martyrs struggled stubbornly on the battlefield, throwing their heads and blood, insisting on using their bodies to fight against the people, contributing to the establishment of the Republic, they used to use them.His life interprets the meaning of patriotism, dye the red New China blue sky with his own blood, and the red and bright five -star red flag ...


After silence, the teacher led us to revisit the vow when joining the group.We stood beside the tombstone of the revolutionary martyrs and shouted a vow neatly and loudly.Those firmly eyes, shouting loudly, and the wind in the wind and the fist tightly ... No matter what we, we will never forget "fighting for the cause of communism".If you are a member of the Communist Youth League, you will remember the humiliation of our motherland.


After the team disbanded, I walked in the cemetery and saw the dark stone monuments lying on the hillside, sleeping on this quiet land, next to the martyrs with a kind smile and resolute eyes.Thinking of the revolutionary martyrs' hard work and contributing to the people for a lifetime, but now they have finally retired from smoke and warfire, and finally ushered in the peaceful age, but the ancestors could only sleep with the green mountains, sleep and their homeland.However, the older generation of revolutionary martyrs, we will not forget you, we will not forget that you are graceful for future generations, and will not forget that you are struggling for the establishment of New China!


I looked at the dense names on the glorious list, listening to the red revolutionary story in the broadcast, and the calm heart sea became surging.Gradually, the shouts appeared on the battlefield in the ear, the fire shook the sky, and the sound of victory ...


I think of the revolutionary martyrs paid everything to the New China, and think of people who can eat and wear people at the time of artillery and fire. They realize how hard it is to be today, and understand that this day needs to be cherished.


Today, we don't need to fight on the battlefield, we don't need to fight for the revolution. However, for the motherland, we must not stop pursuing the best. We must inherit the wisdom of their predecessors from other fields, strive to open up and innovate, and build for China to build in China.Add bricks to work hard for a better tomorrow!

















One day in the Qingming Festival, the sky was gloomy, and there was drizzle.We held up the team flag, holding the wreath, with grief, we took a heavy step, and at the foot of Liufeng Mountain to sacrifice the tomb of the martyrs.


In front of the martyr's tomb, the first sight was a silver -white revolutionary martyr's monument, which was engraved with the eight majestic black characters of "Revolutionary Martyrs Everbright". The monument of the revolutionary martyrs was so solemn under the row of proud and lined up in rows. After listening to the majestic "International Song", my heart was surging and my thoughts. At the moment of silence, I put Xiaobaihua on my chest, saw the bright red scarf on the chest, and then looked at the monument of the tall revolutionary martyrs, and the infinite sorrow came into my heart. At this time, I seemed to see that in the difficulties of the wind and rain, in the dark age of the wolf, the revolutionary martyrs were brave and stubborn on the battlefield, fighting blood, and the prosperity of the motherland and the revolutionary cause. They threw their heads and sprinkled blood. At this time, my ears seemed to shock fiercely, and the fighting smoke was lingering in front of my eyes. Next, our fourth -year classmates sang "Our field" together, and the singing sounded one after another. Each of our classmates seemed to be immersed in the rotation and listening to the singing. In the end, several classmates presented the wreath respectfully, and we also bowed deeply for the monument of the revolutionary martyrs, and put a white flower in front of the martyr's tomb. In a burst of crisp firecrackers, the grave sweeping activity ended, and we reluctantly left the martyr's tomb. As I left the martyr's tomb, my ears seemed to think of the deafening verse: "Aspiration for sacrifice, dare to call the sun and the moon for new heavens."


On the way back to school, I want to say to the martyrs, "You can rest! We will hold up your banner, inherit your legacy and walk on your footprint, do it as you look, and fight for the good tomorrow of the motherland!"





















"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road." Before Qingming, we went to the cemetery of the martyrs to sweep the grave.


On the steps of the martyrs' cemetery, we saw a line of words "Revolutionary martyrs forever immortal" on the monument. We could not help talking. Everyone stood in a neat team. The first is that the captain of the young pioneer spoke, "People must have a death, some people die like Taishan, and some people die as light as Hongmao." Captain said yes, the death of the revolutionary martyrs was heavier than Taishan. We could not help singing the revolutionary song of "We Are Communist successors". Immediately afterwards, the counselor of the brigade said very deeply all of the silences. We lowered our heads one by one, and the silent sorrow was completed in the following 2 minutes, but I couldn't lift my head heavy. In the end, every child presented himself as a little white flower, and I was no exception. When I walked to the tomb of the martyrs, I thought about it, and I couldn't be calm for a long time. Crying, crying for the spirit of the martyr's revolution, crying for the martyr's body, crying for the life of the martyrs, crying for the martyr's feat, walking in front of the martyr's monument, I was boiling, boiling for the martyrs, and for the martyrs' bravery, they boiled straight forward. , Boiling for the lofty respect of the martyrs. How can we forget that the martyrs are fighting the battlefield, how can the martyrs lose their lives, how can we forget that the martyrs endure the pain for us, how can we forget!


Martyrs, we admire you, fight for you, work hard for you, and fight you on the battlefield for you!


Let's rest, martyrs, I must take you as an example and strive to move forward!