Don’t judge a man by his looks. 不可以貌取人.名言警句教育我们如何正确对待财富和金钱,名人格言可以让我们摆脱迷茫和困惑找到正确的方向。你是否在找一些关于的名人格言呢?小编今天向大家推荐的是一款关于名人名言英语短句摘抄的产品,欢迎你的阅读和收藏并且请把这篇文章分享给你的好友!

1、培养人,就是培养他获得未来,愉悦的前景的道路。Cultivating people,is training he received in the future,cheerful prospect of road.

2、One's sin will find one out 坏事终归要败露。


4、Death is the great leveler. 死亡面前人人平等 Death pays all debts. 一死了百债

5、Cut your coat according to your cloth. 量布裁衣。(意指:量入为出) D

6、Birth is much, but breeding is more。教养重于出身。

7、享受人文的课堂,享受动感的课堂,享受智慧的课堂。Enjoy the humanities class,enjoy a dynamic class,enjoy the wisdom of classroom.

8、人生的目标在于不断追求,人生的价值在于奉献。Goal in life is to continuously pursue, the value of life lies in dedication.

9、Business makes a man as well as tries him事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。

10、想让生命辉煌,别浪费青春。To make life brilliant, don't waste your youth.8、要把阳光洒向教室的每个角落。Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom.

11、What's lost is lost.失去的不可复得。

12、Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.

13、Labour is light where love doth pay。以爱情作报酬,劳苦也轻松。

14、True love never grows old.真情永不老。

15、Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面。

16、投入心灵才能闻到生命的醇香!In the mind to smell the fragrance of life!

17、在数学教育的旅途中,我甘愿做一个行者,不断行走、不断思索。In mathematics education journey, I am willing to do a walker, keep walking and thinking.

18、Don’t judge a man by his looks. 不可以貌取人.

19、永远用欣赏的眼光看学生,永远用宽容的心态面对学生。Students with appreciation view of forever, forever with tolerant attitude in the face of the students.

20、良好的师德风范必须“心中有学生”“有学生立场”。Good ethics model must be"a student in your heart""are there any students in position".

21、The sea refuses no river.海纳百川。

22、一个怯弱的教师决不能教出一个英勇的学生来。A teacher never teach a timid a heroic to students.

23、走进学生心灵,追求诗意课堂,享受教育幸福。Go into the minds of students, the pursuit of poetry class, enjoy the happiness of education.

24、让学生张扬个性,放飞想象的春天。Let the student inpiduality,spring release imagination.

25、First catch your hare,than cook him。先得兔而后烹之。


27、forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future。 原谅自己过去的错误,向未来你会取得的更大的成就前进。


29、Without hard learning, there is no the simplest invention.忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

30、The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。

31、要使周围的一切都大放光彩,自己也应该像烛那样燃烧。to make everything around sparkles, oneself should also like a candle burning。 Gorky。

32、教师最大的幸福就是把一群群孩子,送往理想的彼岸。Teacher's biggest happiness is to groups of children,sent to the other side of the ideal.

33、心灵塑造的最佳工程师。The best engineers heart shape.

34、不要沉醉于别人的赞赏之中,只有不停地充实自己,才能达到人生更高境界。Only don't indulge in other people's praise, constantly enrich himself, to reach a higher realm of life.


36、只有学而不厌的老师,才能教育出学而不厌的学生。Only education study of teacher, the students study.

37、Such beginning,such end.怎样开始便怎样结束。

38、只有先让学生喜欢你,学生才会喜欢你上的课。Only let students like you,would like you in the class.

39、In every beginning think of the end。凡事一开始就要想到结果。


41、While there is life there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

42、母爱的伟大之处在于可以容纳孩子最可谴责的行为。The greatness of a mother's love is that can accommodate the child's can be condemned.

43、The honest man takes pains, and then enjoys pleasure 正直的人先经历痛苦,然后享受欢乐。

44、教师要用爱心关爱学生,用真心、真意、真诚呵护学生的成长。Teachers love students with love, true, true, sincere care for the growth of the students.

45、愿乘风破万里浪,甘面壁谈十年书。Let the wind to break the waves,gump side wall about ten years.

46、Yesterday will not be called again.光阴一去不复返。

47、None but the well-bred man knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself in an error唯有有教养者方知如何承认错误,或意识到自己行为。

48、为他人的愉悦而工作,才能到达自身的完善。Work for the pleasure of others,to get to their own perfect.

49、Never say die. 永不放弃。


51、Tomorrow is endless.明日何其多。

52、different but best friends。虽然有很多不同,但我们是最好的朋友。

53、道德首先被要求的是支配自己。德国哲学家 天文学家 康德



56、在教学上,要做教师兼学者;在写作上,要做学者兼教师。In teaching, teachers and scholars to do; In writing, scholars and teachers to do.

57、If you swear you will catch no fish。咒骂解决不了问题。

58、Chiefly the mold of a man's fortune is in his own hands一个人的命运主要由他自己塑造。——彼特拉克

59、教师是天底下最为特殊的职业,今日的师德水准是明天的国民素质。Teacher is the most special profession, the sun of today's ethics standard is national quality tomorrow.

60、用一生的精力上好一堂课,去启迪一代人的心灵。Use the life energy to a good lesson, to illuminate the hearts of generation.

61、教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励唤醒鼓舞。In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but in the incentive sensei.



64、Get to another suit in your career.开创职业生涯的另一高峰。


66、blood is thicker than water.血浓於水。

67、Example is better than precept. 身教胜过言教

68、真正的教师,极力防止自己的坏习惯及于学生。True teachers,to prevent his bad habits and the student.

69、大德不逾闲,小德出入可。春秋时孔子的弟子 子夏

70、By his claw, you may know the lion。要知狮子看脚爪。

71、最有价值的知识是关于方法的知识。The most valuable knowledge is knowledge of the way.

72、教师是学生的镜子,学生是老师的影子。Teachers are the mirror of the student, the student is the shadow of the teacher.

73、我愿将自己全部的爱献给孩子们,让他们在人生起跑线上跑好第一步。I would like to take all the love to the children, let them run the starting line in life a good first step.


75、真正的教师,极力防止自我的坏习惯及于学生。The real teacher, trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student.

76、想让生命辉煌,就别浪费青春。To make life brilliant,don't waste your youth.


78、All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?C wait and hope.人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 ― 等待和希望。――Alexandre Dumas Pére大仲马(法国作家)

79、A true great man will neither trample on a worm,nor sneak to an emperpor. 真正的伟人既不大肆践踏小人物,也不会在皇帝面前奴卑膝。


81、要有比教师学习更快的能力。要有比别人善于学习的能力。Teachers should have more ability to learn faster. Ability to be good at learning than others.

82、欣赏别人的优点,善待别人的缺点,尊重别人的隐私,快乐自己的人生。Appreciate others' advantages, to the faults of others, respect other people's privacy, the happiness of his own life.


84、Who gives pleasure shall receive joy.予人以快乐者,自己会获得快乐。

85、用心关注孩子,用心接纳孩子,用心体会孩子。Attentively focus on the child,the heart to accept children,truly absorbed children.



88、每天我微笑着向快乐出发,因为前方有需要我传播快乐的人。Every day I smile to happy, because the people who need I spread happiness ahead.

89、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学跟教育学的人。A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy.

90、牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!Holding the hand of the children,happy to meet every day!


92、Success is a relative term It brings so many relatives成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚。

93、Practice makes perfect and shortage in one, success depends on forethought. And destroyed by over.人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。

94、不抛弃、不放弃,让每个孩子站在爱的天平上。Do not abandon, do not give up, let every child standing on the balance of love.

95、What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words--- the longer the words the better. That's wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication。语言到底是用来干什么的呢?一些人认为它是用来操练语法规则和学习一大堆单词--而且单词越长越好。这个想法是错误的。语言是用来交换思想,进行交流沟通的!

96、Classic A book which people praise and don’t read. “经典之作”是人人皆称赞却不愿去读的书。

97、Good advice is beyond all price.忠告是无价宝。

98、教师必须非常谨慎,必须对他的所作所为负完全责任。Teachers must be very cautious, must take full responsibility for what he had done.

99、He lives long that lives well活得好等于活得久。


101、It is ill jesting with edged tools。手持利器,不可打闹。

102、With good we become good.跟好人,学好人。

103、要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友。Do your child's teacher,do the child's friend first.

104、Nothing in life is to be fearedIt is only to be understood生活中没有可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。——居里夫人

105、Wits are wealth.智慧便是财富。

106、用千百倍的耕耘,换来桃李满园香。With one thousand times for the peach garden sweet.

107、凡是我的学生,要把美德传给他们;凡是我所教的,要教得透彻。All my students, will pass them the virtue; All I had to teach, teach thoroughly.

108、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。Tolerance is not indulgence,induction,rather than command.

109、A bow long bent at last waxeth weak。良弓张久必驰。

110、a close mouth catches no flies.病从口入,祸从口出。

111、Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand、脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。

112、感人肺腑的谈话,能医治孩子心灵的创伤。Moving the conversation, to heal the kids.

113、Actions speak louder than words.行动比精神更响亮。

114、It takes all sorts to make a world。世界是由各式各样的人组成的。

115、教师应该把知识打包成礼物让学生欣喜地领受,而不是打包成任务让学生无奈地接受。Teachers should have the knowledge of packaging as a gift to let the students delighted to receive it, rather than packaged into task reluctantly accepted.

116、打电话的时候请你微笑,对方一定感觉得到。Make a phone call smile when you,the other party must feel it.

117、bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口利於病。

118、The man who suffers much knows much.吃的苦多,懂的事多。

119、教师与画家不一样的是他要创造真善美的活人。Teacher and artist is he in order to create a good living.

120、每一位有自尊的.老师会让学生自尊心有发挥的机会。Every teacher can make students have self-respect self-respect will have the chance to play.

121、教育学生,从爱出发,爱是一种特持久而深刻的感情。Education students,set off from love,love is a kind of lasting and profound affection.

122、Love is not a maybe thingYou know when you love someone.爱不是什么可能、大概、也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的。


124、让我走进童心世界,跟孩子们一起成长。Let me into the childlike innocence of the world, and the children grow up together.

125、教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。In the teaching of art is not impart ability,but inspire,awaken and inspire.

126、扬黄牛精神,做平凡工作。Young cow spirit, do ordinary work.

127、友善伴随着孩子,他看见洒向人间的都是爱。Friendly with the children,he saw the sprinkled on the earth is love.

128、A cracked bell can never sound well。破钟无好音。



131、Couch hard arguments in soft words。理要硬而话要软。

132、Knowing something of everything and everything of something、

133、天才不是别的,而是辛劳和勤奋。Genius is nothing but hard work and diligence.

134、Time does not bow to you,, you must bow to time.

135、面对孩子,有爱才会有责任感,有责任感才会始终付出爱的行动。In the face of children, there is love there is sense of responsibility, has the sense of responsibility will always love action.

136、多一份真诚的关怀,少一点无为的谴责。A sincere care more,nothing less.

137、做本真教师,教本色语文,育世纪人才。Be true teacher,teach nature language,century talents.

138、You may delay,but time will not.岁月不待人。

139、Skill is no burden.艺多不压身。

140、老师糊涂一时,学生糊涂一世。Is wise at all time,the teacher students confused.

141、要使教学顺利有效,必须进行研究。To make a smooth effective teaching research must be conducted.

142、Youth is the reason of hope.青春是希望的季节。

143、Wonders will never cease.奇迹永不终止。

144、教师的工作是教书育人,不光是传授学生知识,更要教学生怎样做人。Teacher's job is teaching, it is not only to teach students knowledge, more to teach students how to be a man.

145、absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.相聚爱益切,离别情更深。




149、One careless move may lose the whole game 一步不慎,满盘皆输。

150、教着,感受着;走着,快乐着!Teach the feeling;Walking,happy!

151、走进孩子心灵深处,倾听他们肺腑之言,引领他们体验成功。Go into the hearts of children, listen to their words, lead them to experience success.

152、在教育中守望快乐,享受幸福。Watch happy in education, enjoy happiness.

153、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人若无友,就如同生命中没有太阳.

154、生活要朴素,学习要努力,做人要坦诚,对人要真诚。Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people.



157、知识不存在的地方,愚昧自命为科学;教师不存在的地方,无知变成了聪慧。Knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; The teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter.

158、没有教师的成长,学生的成长是不可能的。Without the teacher's growth,the growth of the students is impossible.

159、Envy never enriched any man. 妒忌决不会致富

160、用我的真心、耐心、爱心、细心,托起明天的太阳。With my sincerity, patience, love, care, hold up tomorrow's sun.

161、待人要诚心,帮人要热心,看人不偏心,做人要开心。Forgive others sincerely, to enthusiastic person, wasn't eccentric, be happy.


163、Don't put the cart before the horse。不要把车套在马前头。

164、一个孩子是一本书,要想读懂他,得走进他们的心灵。A child is a book, want to understand him, will have to walk into their souls.

165、The longest night will have an end.苦难总能熬到头。

166、关爱每一个学生,让每一个孩子尝到成功的喜悦。Take care of every student, let every child taste the joy of success.




170、There is lazy minds as well as lazy bodies.心既懒,,身亦惰。

171、母爱的伟大之处在于能够容纳孩子最可谴责的行为。The greatness of a mother's love is able to accommodate a child the most can be condemned.

172、Deliberate slowly, execute promptly。思谋要慢,行动要快。

173、在过多地要求孩子的同时,也应尽可能地尊重他们。While requiring children too much, also should respect them as much as possible.

174、对所学知识资料的兴趣可能成为领悟动机。Interest in the knowledge data could be comprehend motives.

175、Experience is the best teacher. 经验是良师

176、Better late than never.只要开始,虽晚下迟。

177、The hard part isn’t making the decisionIt’s living with it.做出决定并不困难,困难的是接受决定。

178、Haste and wisdom are things far odd。轻率与智慧相距遥远。


180、The greater the man, the more restrained his anger 人越伟大,越能克制怒火。

181、能够让学生健康、幸福地成长是我的快乐;能够让学生学有所得,学有所用,是我的职责。Can let students health is my happiness, happiness to grow; Students can learn something, use it, it is my duty.

182、春风化雨,滋润学生的心田;雷厉风行,提升自身的素养。Spring rain, nourishing students ♥ High efficiency, to improve its quality.

183、Knock, and the door shall be opened。只要敲门,就会有人来开。

184、教师施爱宜在严爱与宽爱之间。The teacher ShiAiYi in tough love and love between wide.

185、千教万教教书求真,千学万学学做真人。Thousand teach teach all truth, and learn how to make Wan Xuexue reality.

186、培养人,是培养他获得未来,快乐的前景的道路。Cultivating people, is training he received in the future, happy future path.

187、怎样的老师造就了怎样的学生。What the teacher has produced what kind of students.

188、教育人是要形成人的性格。Education is to form a person's character.

189、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事。Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life, serious work.

190、ur best thought comes form others。我们最好的思想来源于他人。

191、用海一样的胸怀,接容每一颗童心;愿化作点点雨露,滋润每一棵小苗。The same mind with the sea, let each childlike innocence; May turn into little rain, moisten every tree seedlings.

192、We prefer to die a hero, rather than live a slave宁为英雄而死,不为奴隶生。

193、Business is the salt of life事业是生命之盐。

194、Medicines are not meant to live on。药物可治病,不能当饭吃。

195、Extremes are dangerous. 凡事走向极端是危险的 F

196、Beware,beware!he'll cheat'ithout scruple,who can without fear. 当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。

197、Better late than never.迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。

198、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人若无友,就如同生命中没有太阳?

199、教师之为教,不在全盘授予,而在相机诱导。Teachers to teach, not fully granted, and induced the camera.

200、Use is (a) second nature.习惯成自然。
