1、我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意! I call the sun every day happy sunshine on you,my name is the moon every day to give you a sweet dream,wish you all the best!


3、我行走于远方,夜夜思量,你的模样。 I walk in the distance and think about you every night.


5、感恩不一定要感谢大恩大德,感恩可以是一种生活态度,一种善于发现美并欣赏美的道德情操。 Gratitude does not necessarily mean gratitude for generosity. Gratitude can be an attitude towards life, a moral sentiment that is good at discovering and appreciating beauty.

6、Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 理想就象是星星我们永远无法到达,但是我们象水手一样,用它们指引航程。

7、去清爽的凉风,让好运和美丽永远追随你一生,让短信一次次的奉我永远的祝福,祝周末愉快! To cool breeze,to the best of luck and always follow your beautiful life,let the message over and over again in my blessing forever,wish have a nice weekend!

8、站在下一个路口,等待回忆的到来。 Stand at the next intersection, waiting for the arrival of memories.



11、换一种角度去看待人生的失意与不幸,怀着感恩的心生活,生活将赐予你灿烂的阳光。 Look at the disappointment and misfortune of life from another angle. Live with gratitude. Life will give you brilliant sunshine.

12、很多人、很多事,其咎盖源于不会、不愿感恩,鸦有反哺之义,羊有跪乳之恩,不懂感恩,就失去了爱的感情基础。 Many people, many things, the blame is due to will not, unwilling to be grateful, crow has the meaning of feeding back, sheep have kneeling breast, do not know gratitude, lost the emotional basis of love.

13、老师让我们快乐每一天,告诉我们一个成功的秘密:善用时间,充实昨天,把握今天,开创明天。 The teacher let us happy every day, tell us a secret of success: make good use of time, enrich yesterday, seize today, create tomorrow.


15、Among thousands of people, you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late. 于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。

16、让世界上一切的欢乐都融和在我的歌中,来庆贺你的生日。 Let all the happiness in the world melt in my song and congratulate for your birthday.


18、准时向你播报天气预报:今天你将遇到金钱雨,幸福风,友情雾,爱情露,健康云,顺利霜,安全雹,开心闪。 To you on time reporting the weather forecast: today you will meet the money rain,wind,happiness friendship fog,love,health cloud,frost,hail,safety is happy.

19、Schlie?en Sie Ihre Augen nicht sehen, die Heuchelei der Menschen. 闭上眼睛 、就看不见那些虚伪的人 。


21、声声祝福,丝丝情谊,串串思念,化作一份礼物,留在你的心田,祝新年快乐,万事如意! Sound blessing,filar silk,clusters of thoughts,turned into a gift,stay in your heart,I wish a happy New Year and all the best!

22、拥有一份美好的心情,如拥有一份诚挚的祝福,愿您健康,圆您快乐,但愿我千万个祝福永远陪伴您左右。 Have a good mood,such as has a sincere blessing,wish you health,you happy,I wish I don a blessing forever accompany you around.

23、喜欢一种声音,是微风吹落露珠;欣赏一幅图画,是朗月点缀星空;陶醉一种气息,是幽兰弥漫旷谷;祝您周末愉快! Like a voice,is the breeze fell dew; Appreciation of a picture,is lang months ornament sky; Intoxicated with a breath,is diffuse kuang orchid valley; I wish you a happy weekend!

24、新年新气象,祝您在新的一年里,快乐永远!事业在您的微笑中愈展愈盛! New Year new atmosphere,I wish you in the New Year,happy always! Career show more to fill in your smile!

25、当一扇幸福之门关闭时,另一扇便会开启。可大多数时候,我们却过久地凝望那扇紧闭的门,而忽视了新敞开的那扇门。 When one door of happiness close,another door will open. But most of the time,but we are staring at the closed door for a long time,but ignored the new open the door.

26、If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。

27、人家帮我,永志不忘;我帮人家,莫记心上。 I will never forget when I help others.


29、最好的同学,今天二十年相聚一回,接下去你的人生祝你一路平安!越走越精彩。 Best classmate,twenty years together once today,then your life wish you bon voyage! More walk more good.

30、虽然你忘了给我翅膀,但您教我用理解飞翔。 Although you forgot to give me wings, you taught me to fly with understanding.

31、老师乃起航之帆,学生乃驾驭舵手,人生乃航行之舟,再大风雨,再多困难,始终有老师恩育助力扬帆。 The teacher is sailing sail, students are driving helmsman, life is sailing boat, and then big wind and rain, and then more difficult, there is always the teacher grace, help sail.



34、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

35、岁月可以褪去记忆,却褪不去我们一路留下的欢声笑语。祝你新春快乐,岁岁安怡! Years may faded memories faded,but not to our laughter all the way. I wish you a happy New Year,but each anlene!


37、紫色的风铃,诉说着牵挂的深情;金色的光辉,照耀着思念的深邃;白色的云朵,飘洒着祝福的诉说;祝愿你拥有快乐周末! Purple wind chimes,telling the deep feeling of caring; The depth of golden light,shining thoughts; White clouds,floating wishes to tell; Wish you have a happy weekend!

38、Frantic say-can seek you results have you elope with him to the moon. 发疯似的满世界找你 结果你已经和他私奔到月球。



41、心灵的吸引产生的是友谊,智慧的吸引产生的是敬意,肉体的吸引产生的是欲望,此三者的结合便产生了爱情。 Heart attract is friendship,respect,is wisdom to attract the physical attraction is the desire,the combination of these three,the love.


43、A land of broken promises, do not put together back yesterday. 碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。


45、走遍天下娘好,吃遍天下盐好。 Eat salt all over the world.

46、生病的是你,心痛的是我。保持健康,不仅是对自己生命的义务,也是对亲属甚至也是对社会的付出。 It is I who is sick,you heartache. To keep healthy,is not only the obligation of his own life,also for relatives and even for the pay of the society.

47、感恩节谢了,哥们,下次有事儿别忘了找我! Thanksgiving day although you twice saved my life, but are youwilling to, i can not for you.

48、一路高升,祝新工作得心应手,顺风顺水。 Wish rises,the new work with ease,the wind.

49、新年将至,在新的一年,新的起点,让我们有新的开始,江英带来真诚的祝福:愿你抱着平安,拥着幸福,带着甜蜜,牵着财运,拽着吉祥,迈入新年! New Year will come,in the New Year,new beginning,let us have a new start,Jiang Ying bring sincere blessings: peace be to you embrace,the embrace happiness,with a sweet,took the money,lug auspicious,into the New Year!

50、让星星送去我的祝福,让小雨送去清爽的冷风,让好运和斑斓永远追随你一生,让短信一次次的奉我永远的祝福,祝周末愉快! Let the stars send my blessing,let xiao yu sent to relaxed the cold wind,let the good luck always follow you and colorful life,let the message over and over again in my blessing forever,wish have a nice weekend!

51、甜度有三分,有五分,唯有想你时的甜度刚刚好。 Sweetness has three points and five points. Only when I miss you, the sweetness is just good.

52、I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving. 我爱吃,所以我爱过感恩节。

53、夜晚的微风吹过,那是我对你的思念。 The night breeze blows, that is my missing for you.

54、老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。 Teacher, thank you for illuminating my journey of life with your own light of life.

55、用点滴的心去品味生活,用感恩的心去环视周遭。 Savor life with a little heart and look around with gratitude.

56、感恩是一种最大的美德,时时处处怀着感恩的心,你会发现自己你能享受生活,你能随时随地的获得快乐。 Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. With gratitude everywhere, you will find that you can enjoy life and you can get happiness anytime, anywhere.【djZ525.COM 励志的句子】

57、受人滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报。感恩,多么引人的字眼啊!感恩,就是得到好处之后的感激之情呈现出来回馈他人。 Dripping grace, when yongquan. Thanksgiving, what an interesting word! Gratitude is the appreciation of gratitude that comes after receiving the benefits.



60、如果你不那么冷漠,我们凭什么要错过。 If you are not so indifferent, why should we miss it.

61、我愿将我的祝愿和感激,浓缩了我对你的祝愿,愿你的每一年,每一天都充满了幸福和喜悦! I wish my wish and gratitude to you with my best wishes, and may every year and every day be filled with happiness and joy!



64、Love through tears, from deep and become indifferent. 爱情里流过的眼泪,从刻骨变得无所谓。

65、说片面是熬夜,说实在是失眠,说实话是想你。 To say one-sided is to stay up late, to say it is insomnia, to tell the truth is to miss you.

66、朋友是糖,帮你冲淡苦涩,挂满甜蜜。 Friend is sugar, help you dilute bitterness, hanging full of sweet.

67、过去的一年我们合作的很愉快,谢谢您的关照,祝您全家欢乐,心想事成!恭贺新禧,大吉大利。 Over the past year we cooperation is very happy,thank you for your attention and wish you and your family have a happy,happy! Happy New Year and prosperous New Year.

68、随着新年的到来,预祝贵公司规模扩大,业务发展,生意兴隆,财源广进! With the coming of the New Year,wish your company scale,business development,the business is thriving,source of money widely enter!

69、子乎者也,加减乘除。在乎孩子成学者,也为教育树丰碑;减负加效乘东风,除尽陋习谱新篇。 It is almost also add, subtract, multiply and divide. The child care scholars, also for education monument; the burden of heating by wind, removing all the spectrum new habits.

70、开导着我悲观厌世的思想!真心真意谢谢你! Enlighten my thought of pessimism and pessimism! Thank you sincerely!




74、你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。 You are everything to me. I am so lucky that God let you come to me.

75、父母之爱子,则为之计深远。 If parents love their children, their plan is far-reaching.

76、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together. 在这个家人团聚的节日里,见不到你,我会很难过。


78、把臂膀给予飞雀就欢快了;把心抛给大海就辽阔了;把目光留给苍穹就深远了;把祝福发给你就开心了,祝周末愉快! Gives arms to fly bird is happy; The heart to the sea is vast; Looking to the sky is profound; Send blessings to you happy,I wish a happy weekend!

79、支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福,幸运的你,明天会更好! A brilliant candlelight,suisui birthday happy,lucky you,tomorrow will be better!

80、Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并非只是吃喝玩乐。

81、You walk hurriedly walk, don't turn around, don't with my tears flow. 你要走就赶紧走,别回头,别对着我泪流。

82、健康药方:最好的处方是乐观,最好的治疗是预防,最好的.运动是跑步,最好的医生是朋友。 Health prescription: the best prescription is positive,the best treatment is prevention,the best sport is running,the best doctor is a friend.

