
1、幸福就在前路,只需勇敢追逐,艰难困苦征服,成功非你莫属,请你义无反顾! Happiness is on the way, just brave pursuit, difficult conquest, success is you, please do not hesitate!

2、周末到了,一份大礼送上门前,让你身体健康,事业顺利,家庭和睦,幸福安康,这就是我的祝福,愿你周末快乐! Weekend comes, a great gift to the door, let your body health, career, family harmony, happiness, this is my wish, I wish you a happy weekend!

3、雪花在平安夜飘舞,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐! Playing snow on Christmas Eve, with my blessing flew into your heart。 I clicked happy piano keys, with playing Christmas carols for you sincerely, wish you happy in the New Year, happy every day!

4、平安夜里祝平安,平安夜里话平安。平安是福,平安是宝,平平安安活到老!祝你出入平安,老少平安,万事平安,收到短信一生平安! Christmas Eve I wish peace, peace talk peace at night。 Peace is a blessing, peace is a treasure, go in peace live! Wish you in peace, and peace, all peace, receive SMS life peace!

5、拥挤的人群中会有我关切的目光,寂静的夜里依旧有我为你造梦。 There will be my concern in the crowded crowd. I still dream for you in the quiet night.

6、nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。

7、最深的祝福总难以诉诸语言,一切只在不言中,祝福你。 The deepest blessing is always difficult to appeal to language.

8、雪夜的静谧,心灵的沉淀,自由的飞翔,星光的灿烂,美丽的烟花,美丽的心情,幸福的生活,快乐的狂欢,真挚的祝福,平安的夜晚。平安夜,愿你身体健康,幸福平安! Hakodate is quiet, the heart of the precipitation, free flying, star bright, the beautiful fireworks, beautiful mood, happy life, happy carnival, sincere blessings, peace night。 On Christmas Eve, wish you good health, peace and happiness!

9、You might have ruined my past and screwed up my present, but I won’t let you touch my future. 你也许毁了我的过去,搞砸了我的现在,但我决不允许你染指我的未来。

10、让我守候在这孤独的角落,默默地为你祈祷一生幸福! Let me wait in this lonely corner, silently pray for you, happy life!

11、window. My mother looked at it, as if it is a mirror, you and I watch each

12、没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你的感谢不会减少一分。 There is no gorgeous language, no bold words, but my thanks to you will not be reduced by one point.

13、Men alleged oath, but is a beautiful lies just.男人所谓的誓言,不过是个美丽的谎言而已。

14、你的生日,我送你祝福:幸福快乐,健康平安! Your birthday, I send you a blessing: happy, healthy and safe!

15、人与人,贵在彼此理解。那么,让我们将心去比心,以心去换心。 People and people understand each other. Lets change our mind to heart instead of heart.

16、让我的祝福翻过解放大道的栅栏,穿过吉庆街的烧烤摊,游过浩瀚的东湖,爬上巍峨的龟山,向你所在的任何角落狂喊:周末快乐! Liberation road fence, let my blessing turned through the auspicious street barbecue, swimming across the vast east lake, climbed up the majestic guishan, any corners to your crazy shout: happy weekend!

17、I’ll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

18、圣诞将至气氛浓,短信祝福情意重;洗洗袜子挂床边,装满礼物乐无边;扫扫烟囱生火炉,温暖节日心满足。预祝你:平安夜美梦绵绵,圣诞节快乐连连! Christmas atmosphere will be thick, SMS blessing affective weight; Wash your socks hanging bed, full of present joy endless; Sweep the chimney stove, warm heart meet the festival。 I wish you: dream on Christmas Eve, merry Christmas!

19、春节祝福:祝你过了一天又一天,天天都是星期天,过了一年又一年,年年都是本命年,过了一夜又一夜,夜夜都是平安夜,长了一岁又一岁,岁岁都是太平岁。猴年快乐。 Spring Festival blessing: I wish you a day after day, every day is Sunday, after a year after year, year after year is a year, after night after night, and night is Christmas Eve, older age, happiness is at the age of peace。 Happy year of the monkey。

20、平安夜你将搭载平安列车起程,从此你会天天一路平安,月月一路平安,年年一路平安,还有你的家人和朋友也会一生平平安安,平安夜快乐! Christmas Eve you will pick up peace train depart, every day from now on you will be a good journey, yueyue bon voyage, bon voyage, every year there are your family and friends will be life in peace, happy Christmas Eve!

21、The Mid-Autumn Festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen; The family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth; Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

22、Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。

23、在这特别的日子里,祝你生日快乐!金钱不缺,微笑不断! Happy birthday to you on this special day! Money is always there, smile is always there!

24、福禄与天齐,儿孙身边围;荣华富贵卧福地,人寿年康全家安。 Fortune and Tianqi, surrounded by children and grandchildren; splendor and wealth lie in the blessed land, and the whole family lives in peace.

25、夜晚来,问候到,愿你抛开烦恼乐逍遥;微风吹,星光照,愿你今夜安然入睡充足好;祝你今夜美梦甜甜。 Night, greetings, may you put aside your troubles and joy at large; breeze, starlight, may you sleep well tonight; may you have a sweet dream tonight.

26、祝你的生日甜蜜快乐,你的生活灿烂如花! I wish you a happy birthday and a brilliant life!


28、今天下雨,就像思念降落来临,问候不只是在夜里,祝福永恒藏在心底,雨停而想念不止,夜深却牵挂依然,晚安! Today it rains, just like missing the arrival of the landing, greetings not only at night, blessings hidden in the bottom of my heart, the rain stops and misses, but also the night is still concerned about, good night!

29、周末来临之际,本人谨代表宇宙共和国、外太空省、银河市、太阳镇、地球村发来最真诚的祝福,祝你开心快乐每一天! Weekend is coming, I on behalf of the republic of China, province, city of the Milky Way, the sun in outer space town, from the most sincere blessing, the global village to wish you a happy happy every day!

30、这条短信是平安夜的平安大使,声声向你报平安,让这安心的旋律,陪伴你安心度过今晚,度过明晚,度过今后的每个夜晚。平安夜快乐! This message is Christmas Eve peace ambassador, sound to offer safe, to reassure the melody, with peace of mind you spend tonight, spend tomorrow night, spend every night in the future。 Happy Christmas Eve!

31、The strength and resilience of our nation is a testament to the courage and hard work of our forefathers. Happy National Day!

32、总有一些人一些事会在你生命中留下一些划痕,也许是很深的印痕,若干年后再相遇已物是人非。祝你晚安我曾经的刻骨铭心的爱! There are always some things will leave some scratches in your life, may be very deep impressions, met a few years later left them。 Wish you good night I have profound love!

33、不管你奔赴海角天涯,也不管离别会有多久,我会等待等待。 No matter you go to the corner of the sea, and no matter how long the parting will take, I will wait and wait.

34、平安夜,平安雪花坠落并绽放,严寒却弥漫着温馨;平安短信书写并投递,简短却字里行间透露着我的祝福。平安夜,只愿你平平安安,快快乐乐,如雪花雪白。 Christmas Eve, Christmas snow falls and bloom, cold is filled with warmth。 Peace message writing and delivery, brief but her my blessing。 Will be safe and happy Christmas Eve, only wish you, such as Snow White。

35、So keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking your life day by day.既然如此,那就 一步步走下去吧,认真过好每一天。

36、来也匆匆,去也匆匆,离绪千种,期待着一次重逢。 Come and go, hurry up, leave thousands of things, and look forward to a reunion.

37、彩灯闪烁,美丽的色彩映照你我;圣诞狂欢,欢乐的氛围笼罩你我,钟声悠扬,悦耳的音乐陪伴你我。祝你的平安夜是幸福夜,祝你的圣诞节是狂欢节! The color of the lights flashing, beautiful shine upon you and me; Christmas carnival, the atmosphere of joy over you and me, melodious bell, sweet music to accompany your me。 I wish you a happy Christmas Eve is the night, I wish your Christmas is carnival!

38、若你在舞台中央,贺你一身荣光。若你在平凡路上,愿你安然绽放。晚安。 If you are in the middle of the stage, congratulate you on your glory. If you are on the ordinary road, may you bloom safely. Good night.

39、我的好心请,全由你决定,你快乐所以我快乐,祝你每天开开心心,快快乐乐。 My kindness please, it is up to you to decide, you are happy so I am happy, I wish you happy every day, happy.

40、如果难过,就看看远方吧,它那么辽阔,一定可以包容你的所有委屈。晚安。 If you are sad, look at the distance. It is so vast that it can tolerate all your grievances. Good night.

41、Say goodbye to the depravation of yesterday. 告别昨日的颓废。

42、Take me into your future you.带我到你的未来。

43、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

44、今晚,翻检心中所有的酸甜,最是把你来惦念,相识相交已经多年,情真自不必多言,友谊之花绽放你我心田,平安夜祝你一生幸福,四季平安。 Tonight, looks over all the sweet and sour in the heart, the most is to miss, do you know the intersection has for many years, feeling the need not say more, the flower of friendship blooms you my heart, I wish you a happy life on Christmas Eve, four seasons peace。

45、秋天里,我打开发黄的影集,往事在透明的化石里凝聚,牵出的思念好长好长。 In the autumn, I opened the yellowing album, the past condensed in the transparent fossils, pulled out the longing for a long time.

46、There are many ways to fix a broken heart, but only time can heal all wounds. 修复一颗破碎的心有很多方式,但是只有时间才能抚平一切创伤。

47、Celebrate the power and glory of China on this National Day. May your hearts be filled with pride and joy.
