
1、Chritsmas time is for thinking of others. 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

2、A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year. 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。

3、你吃的挺胖,你装的挺像,你插着钢笔,不会算帐,就会晚上尿炕!圣诞节快乐! Youre eating quite chubby, youre pretending to be quite similar, youre holding a pen, you cant do accounting, and youll wet the bed at night! Merry Christmas!

4、圣诞节,在树上挂满彩灯和礼品,是西方人干的事;坐驯鹿拉雪橇送礼物,是圣诞老人干的事;往袜子里塞礼物,是大人哄小孩干的事;把问候和祝福编在短信里发给朋友,是我正在干的事;把快乐和幸福带给你,是圣诞节里最重要的事;你开心你快乐,就是最好的事! On Christmas, hanging colorful lights and gifts on trees is something that Westerners do; Riding reindeer and pulling sleds to give gifts is something Santa Claus does; Stuffing gifts into socks is something adults do to coax children; Sending greetings and blessings to friends in a text message is what I am doing; Bringing joy and happiness to you is the most important thing in Christmas; Youre happy, youre happy, thats the best thing!

5、Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas andthe coming year. 在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福!

6、在这阔别的岁月里,悠悠,且籍此小小信息,为我们的友情加温,也愿它带给你快乐无数,在这洁白的圣诞节日! In these years of parting, leisurely and with this little message, we warm up our friendship and may it bring you countless joys on this pure and white Christmas day!

7、I need you like I need the air to breathe. 我需要你,正如我需要呼吸空气。

8、人生过节须尽欢,莫使手机空对手,问候祝福不能少,千声万唤始出来。祝福我的朋友身体康健,福运连连,欢笑天天,平安年年,圣诞节快乐! During holidays and festivals in life, one should enjoy themselves to the fullest. Do not let your phone be empty handed. Greetings and blessings should not be missing, and only a thousand voices can be heard. Wishing my friends good health, good luck, laughter every day, peace every year, and a happy Christmas!

9、圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐! Christmas is coming. I wish you a happy new year. May you be happy all the time!

10、新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。 The New Year,offer best wishes to you.

11、星星不会说话,可它是夜空最璀璨的明珠;太阳不会言语,可它是白昼最温暖的光束;朋友不在身边,可你是我永远的牵挂;圣诞节到了,祝你圣诞节快乐。 The stars cannot speak, but they are the brightest pearl in the night sky; The sun cannot speak, but it is the warmest beam of light during the day; My friend is not by my side, but you are my eternal concern; Christmas is here. Wishing you a happy Christmas.

12、冬天很冷,总怕你会穿得少;献上一件棉服,给你带去一生温暖;给你送上一句祝福,让你新的一年平平安安;亲爱的,圣诞节,我日日月月永远想着你。 Its very cold in winter, and Im afraid youll wear less; Offering a cotton jacket to bring you a lifetime of warmth; May I send you a wish for a peaceful and peaceful new year; Dear, Christmas, I will always think of you day and month after month.

13、May you have the best Christmas ever. 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

14、With the old wish that is ever new, may the greeting do its share toward making your Christmas a pleasant one. 老的祝福,却又常新,原此祝福,使你的圣诞更加愉快圆满。

15、人生相识来自天意;一段友情来自诚意;一份美丽来自惦记;一句祝福来自心底;希望你的一生既是快乐的,又是幸福的更是成功的,祝圣诞快乐! Life acquaintance comes from fate; A friendship comes from sincerity; A beauty comes from longing; A blessing comes from the bottom of my heart; I hope your life will be both happy and successful. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

16、圣诞到来心飞扬,雪花飘飞送吉祥。 Christmas arrives with flying hearts and snowflakes sending good luck.

17、把一缕阳光,一份温馨,一份快乐,一份吉祥,一份宁静,一份浪漫,一份关怀,一份怀念,一声问候,一个信息,凑成十份祝福,祝你圣诞快乐。 Combine a ray of sunshine, warmth, happiness, auspiciousness, tranquility, romance, care, nostalgia, greetings, and information into ten blessings. Wishing you a happy Christmas.

18、温馨的灯火,勾勒美好的画卷;醇香的美酒,勾兑甜蜜的时刻;吉祥的雪花,凭添浪漫的元素;璀璨的烟火,绽放多情的色彩;平安的钟声,敲响生命的新生;欢快的歌谣,唱出心中的喜悦;真挚的祝福,则传递无限的深情。朋友,圣诞快乐! Warm lights, outlining a beautiful picture; A mellow and fragrant wine, blending sweet moments; Auspicious snowflakes add romantic elements; Radiant fireworks, blooming with passionate colors; The sound of peace bells rings the new life; Joyful songs sing out the joy in the heart; Sincere blessings convey infinite affection. Friend, Merry Christmas!

19、一起走过的日子,总是充满了浪漫。亲爱的,圣诞快乐! Walk through together day, always full of romance. Dear, merry Christmas!

20、Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

21、Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings、 祝你享尽圣诞佳节的快乐和圣诞的礼品。

22、圣诞节,把好运带来;圣诞帽,把吉祥带到;圣诞袜,把笑容常挂;圣诞靴,把幸福穿越;圣诞树,传递真心祝福,祝你圣诞快乐,幸福生活精彩在握。 Christmas brings good luck; Christmas hat, bringing good luck; Christmas socks, keep your smile hanging; Christmas boots, crossing happiness; Christmas tree, conveying sincere blessings, wishing you a happy Christmas and a wonderful life in your hands.

23、圣诞节又要到了,希望今年的圣诞节能和我爱的人一起过。想问你,你愿意当我爱的人吗? Christmas is coming again. I hope this Christmas can be spent with the people I love. I want to ask you, would you like to be the one I love?

24、My heart is my Christmas gift to you. 我的心就是我奉献给你的圣诞节礼物。

25、露出微笑,把烦恼都赶跑;心情快乐,把忧伤都扔掉;努力拼搏,让事业层层高;恩爱甜蜜,让爱情天荒地老;传递祝福,提前愿你平安夜、圣诞节快乐! Show a smile and drive away all worries; Happy mood, throw away all the sadness; Strive hard to elevate your career; Sweetness in love, making love last forever; Sending blessings, may you have Christmas Eve and a happy Christmas in advance!

26、飘落的雪花捎去我的问候,闪亮的华灯照耀我的祝福,塞满真情的圣诞短信,伴随着圣诞钟声如约而至,愿我亲爱的朋友圣诞快乐! The falling snowflakes bring my greetings, the shining lights illuminate my blessings, and the sincere Christmas messages come as promised with the sound of Christmas bells. May my dear friends have a happy Christmas!

27、Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。

28、圣诞老人说,今年他要把礼物放在我们两个人的袜子里。所以,平安夜你要陪在我身边。 Santa said that this year he will put the gift in our socks. So, you should be with me on Christmas Eve.

29、Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season. 祝节日幸福如意。

30、其实我一直相信等你出现的时候我就知道是你。亲爱的,平安夜快乐! In fact, I always believe that when you appear, I will know it is you. Dear, happy Christmas Eve!

31、愿圣诞美景与欢乐常伴随你! May the beauty and joy of Christmas always accompany you!

32、你的笑脸才是最美的圣诞节礼物。 Your smile is the most beautiful Christmas present.

33、紫色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节,在这宁静的时刻,提前祝你圣诞快乐! Purple snow, white winter, red Christmas, warm season, in this quiet moment, I wish you a happy Christmas in advance!

34、圣诞之花手中拿,圣诞新装身上穿,圣诞礼物包中藏,圣诞女神你何时来到我身旁? When will you come to me, Christmas goddess?

35、你以为放手可以成全我的幸福,可你不知道,我最大的幸福就是能和你手牵手。亲爱的,平安夜快乐! You think letting go can complete my happiness,but you dont know,my greatest happiness is to be able to hold hands with you. Dear,happy Christmas Eve!

36、圣诞的雪花带来洁白的好运,圣诞的烛光照亮美好的心情,圣诞的钟声温馨浪漫的时光,圣诞的烟花灿烂幸福的双眼,愿圣诞的祝福快乐你我的心! Christmas snowflakes bring pure white good luck, Christmas candlelight illuminates a beautiful mood, Christmas bells warm and romantic time, Christmas fireworks bright and happy eyes, may Christmas blessings be happy in your and my hearts!

37、圣诞节日到,喜气伴吉祥,趁此好节日,送上我祝福,愿你开心多,烦恼少又少,幸福多又多,忧愁少又少,好运倍倍增,衰伤层层减,再送声问候,圣诞节快乐。 Christmas Day is here, with good luck and good luck. Taking advantage of this good holiday, I send you my blessings. May you have more happiness, fewer troubles, more happiness, and fewer worries. Good luck will double, and your sorrows will fade away. Once again, I send you greetings and wish you a happy Christmas.

38、虽然现在的我只能把思念寄托远方,但我的心却没有改变方向。回忆里甜蜜中有挥不去的感伤,只因你不在身旁。圣诞节快乐! Although I can only place my longing in the distance now, my heart has not changed its direction. There is an indelible sadness in the sweet memories, only because you are not by your side. Merry Christmas!

39、愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。 May the joy of Christmas be with you all the year round.

40、圣诞的钟声还未敲响,我的祝福早来到:一祝圣诞心情好,二祝工作高升早,三祝烦恼都吓跑,四祝开心只到老,五祝欢聚真美妙,六祝快乐乐逍遥。 The bell of Christmas has not yet sounded, and my blessings have arrived early: First, I wish you a good Christmas mood; Second, I wish you a good start to work; Third, I wish you all the worries are scared away; Fourth, I wish you happiness until old age; Fifth, I wish you a wonderful gathering; Sixth, I wish you happiness and carefree.

41、圣诞节,送你一棵圣诞树,圣诞树上结幸福,幸福里面含快乐,送你一张圣诞卡,圣诞卡里写祝福,祝福里面是问候,送你一条短信息,信息里面藏心愿,心愿就只一句话‘愿你圣诞节快乐’! Christmas, I will give you a Christmas tree with happiness on it. Happiness contains happiness. I will give you a Christmas card with blessings written on it and greetings inside. I will send you a short message with wishes hidden in it. The wish is just one sentence: Wishing you a happy Christmas!

42、看那一棵棵树长起,看那一朵朵雪花飘起,看那一支支烟火燃起,看那一炉炉炉火点起,看这一条条短信送给你:只想祝你平安夜幸福甜蜜、圣诞快乐无极! Watch the trees grow up, watch the snowflakes drift, watch the fireworks ignite, watch the furnace fires ignite, watch these messages send to you: I just want to wish you a happy and sweet Christmas Eve and endless happiness!

43、快乐冒泡了,喜气洋洋,心花怒放;吉祥绽放了,洋洋洒洒,好运满屋;平安驾到了,日子美美,福寿无边;财气笼罩了,财源滚滚,一路发达;心情荡漾了,欢喜连连,溢于言表;圣诞来到了,心田美美,乐不思蜀;祝福送达了,情真谊切,温润你心:祝圣诞快乐! Happiness is bubbling, full of joy, and my heart is in full bloom; Auspiciousness bloomed, overflowing, and good luck filled the room; Safe driving, beautiful sun, boundless blessings and longevity; Wealth is enveloped, and the source of wealth is rolling, developing all the way; My mood rippled, and joy kept flowing, overflowing with words; Christmas has arrived, my heart is beautiful, and I am not fond of Sichuan; Blessings have been delivered, with sincere friendship and warm heart: Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

44、Best wishes for you and your family a very merry Christmas. 祝福您及您的家人圣诞快乐。

45、I hope this card reaches you in time for Christmas. 希望你能在圣诞节前收到这张卡片。

46、今年你愿意做我的圣诞老人吗,在圣诞的晚上将礼物放在我的床头。 Would you like to be my Santa this year, and put the presents on my bed at Christmas night.

47、紫色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节,在这宁静的时刻,提前祝你圣诞快乐! Purple snowflakes, white winter, red Christmas, warm season. In this peaceful moment, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance!

48、在这美妙的时刻,愿你的心像乐园,盛开出娇艳的花朵;愿你的口像温泉,流淌出快乐的歌声;愿你的眼像画面,描绘出绚丽的色彩。圣诞快乐! In this wonderful moment, may your heart be like a paradise, blooming with beautiful flowers; May your mouth be like a hot spring, flowing with joyful songs; May your eyes resemble a picture, depicting brilliant colors. Merry Christmas!

49、敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。 Christmas and new years greetings.

50、圣诞夜祝一切顺心如意! Wishing you all the best on Christmas Eve!

51、把诚意留下,把祝福送出,把情谊留下,把温暖送出,把回忆留下,把关心送出,把责任留下,把幸福送出,把圣诞留下,把圣诞祝福送出,愿你圣诞快乐。 Keep sincerity, send blessings, friendship, warmth, memories, care, responsibility, happiness, Christmas, and blessings. Wishing you a happy Christmas.

52、天上一颗星,地上一个人。你窗前的那颗星,就是我的身影,它平安夜伴你到天明。 A star in the sky, a person on the ground. The star that holds your window, that is, I figure, its Christmas Eve with you until morning.

53、平安夜,夜平安,平平安安过圣诞;铃声响,驯鹿跑,白胡子老头要来到;老人笑,孩子闹,阖家团圆真美妙;钟声响,赞歌唱,圣诞快乐乐淘淘。 Christmas Eve, a peaceful night, and a peaceful Christmas; The bell rings, the reindeer runs, and the old man with a white beard is coming; The elderly laugh, the children are noisy, and the family reunion is truly wonderful; The sound of bells, singing praises, and having a happy Christmas.

54、喜乐是冬天里的温泉,解凝固的冰点;是夏天里的清泉,可以滋润干渴的心田;是一帖清凉剂,可以振奋衰微的精神;是圣灵的果子,随时发出基督的香气!圣诞快乐! Joy is a hot spring in winter, the melting point of freezing; It is a clear spring in summer that can nourish the thirsty heart; It is a refreshing agent that can uplift the weak spirit; It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, always emitting the fragrance of Christ! Merry Christmas!

55、钟声响,祝福降,圣诞短信忙,圣诞老人把你访,托他捎去快乐一箩筐,再把幸福雪橇上装,还有甜蜜和健康,从你家烟囱过,今晚带到你身旁。平安夜到了,圣诞老人的礼物和我的祝福一起到,记得要收好哦! The bell rings, blessings descend, Christmas messages are busy, Santa Claus visits you, asks him to bring a basket of happiness, and then puts happiness on the sled. There is also sweetness and health, passing through your chimney, bringing them to your side tonight. Christmas Eve is here, Santa Clauss gift and my blessings come together. Remember to keep it well!

56、In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest. 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。

57、世上本无圣诞老人,所有礼物和惊喜都来自爱你的人。 There is no Such thing as Santa Claus. All gifts and surprises come from people who love you.

58、愿圣诞的喜悦萦绕你心。 May the joy of Christmas haunt you.

59、Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season. 在此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。jZd365.cOm

60、那是祈祷你平安一生 ; 圣诞夜里悠扬的钟声,圣诞树上耀眼的彩灯。那是祝福你快乐一生。 That is to pray for your safe life; The melodious sound of bells on Christmas night, the dazzling lights on the Christmas tree. Thats wishing you a happy life.

61、Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking - love will do. 圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。

62、神说:幸福是有一颗感恩的心,健康的身体,称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友你会拥有这一切!祝圣诞快乐! God says: Happiness is having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfying job, someone who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends. You will have all of these things! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

63、Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

64、雪下或不下,圣诞就在那里,为你呈祥,为你献瑞;礼送或是不送,感情就在那里,给你欢唱,给你喝彩;信转或是不转,祝福就在那里,愿你平安,愿你如意。圣诞快乐! Whether it snows or not, Christmas will be there, bringing good luck and blessings to you; Whether its a gift or not, the emotions are there, singing and cheering for you; Believe it or not, blessings are there. May you be safe and wish you all the best. Merry Christmas!

65、冬天很冷,被窝很暖,圣诞糖果应该会格外甜吧。 The winter is cold, the bed is warm, the Christmas candy should be very sweet.

66、圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long!
