在现实生活或工作学习中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。如何写8篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的五年级英语作文范文:我的周末My weekend,希望对大家有所帮助。

我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇1

After five days of campus life, we ushered in the order we yearn for the double cease day. Now the day is cold, want to sleep a little longer in the morning, but no, mother will be out of bed early in the morning, go to cram school against the bitter wind. I really want to have a happy weekend.

If someone asked me, what Im looking forward to the weekend, I will reply I hope I can have a double cease day not cram school.

If I have a free weekend, I will go to the library, picked up my beloved books, tirelessly to read, read the last half a day, again invite friends go to the playground, playing our favorite ferris wheel. Say again I usually, homework a lot of, there are so many cram school, which have the time and energy to go to the library.

I yearn for the double cease day just one more day, how I want to keep this precious minutes. On Sunday, Im going to swim in the swimming pool, I lay on the inflatable swimming laps, feels like the sky, the clouds rolled in. Swim, I will come back to work before my computer in the home, have a good chat with my friends.





我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇2







我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇3

Sunday morning, the weather is sunny, I was with my brother play the game of "three steps back"!

At that time, mother said: "xxx, you out of the bag to finish your homework first to play." I said: "mom, today is Sunday, beg you, just let me play for five minutes, just five minutes?" Mother said: "good!"

And then, my brother and I played the "three steps back" of the game, we are addicted to playing, suddenly the mother and cried: "five minutes of time already arrived, you should go to write your homework!" How do you think time, after I listened to so fast ah, mother impatiently press a way: "the play is not enough, hurry up go to finish your homework!" I cant, had to depressed to the desk, and I thought to myself: this Sunday is belong to me, had no time today.




我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇4

Makes me happy weekend a lot, but I think this weekend is the most happy weekend.

That day my father and I together to play chess, dad said: "every sample is your choice! I can beat you." I secretly think of one thing, that is, dad won't play, so I just choose the gobang, father saw I took gobang he think: form change! I this time must be lost.

Haven't started my eerie smile to say to my father: "come, we are father and son two wars three hundred round, don't tired not to return."

I started my father was killed a man. He lost, I won.

Started the second round, I step short of winning, but his eyes quickly. Let me the move fell through. Finally no matter how dad struggled to resist or lost.

Whether the gobang war is wonderful! This weekend I really happy. (article reading web:







我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇5

Going to sleep in my double cease day, of course!

Sleeping is the most relaxing time! Today, I will take you to my house to see our a position!

Grandma always smiling while you are sleeping, her mouth slightly raised, like a boat. Grandma roll up your body to sleep, sometimes suddenly trembling, must have been dreaming, and then "um, um" two, into the sweet dreams.

Dad is a "super sound". He especially who snore at night, such as giant ray, a quarrel in across the room I cant sleep. Mom sleep in the fathers side, she also regardless of who is sleeping, one hand on dad, feet not running all over the place. Mom sleep look more interesting, frowned for a while, a woebegone appearance, like met any trouble; Then the talk in a dream to say that also show a smile on her face, dad said, mother can still laugh out loudly, sometimes like a have to solve the problem.





我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇6


谁不盼望周末?每个人都盼望。周末是我运动成长的好时光。在周末风和日丽的上午,拿着篮球叫上小伙伴来到篮球场,去比一场,只见大家抢夺激烈,你争他抢,他挡我拦,“哐当”一声篮球便被准确无误的投入框中。另外伺机夺球的小伙伴大步上前,将篮球一把夺过,身子一扭,奋力一跃,又是一个好球入筐……同学们尽情挥洒汗水,畅享欢乐,我也玩的汗流浃背,满头大汗。 周末是我努力奋斗提高成绩的好时光在周末,我认认真真的写完老师布置的作业后,拿出书本,把老师讲过的题和重点通通巩固在我的脑海中拿出错题本,把我之前做错的题目和知识重点,通通复习,再做几道类似的练习题加强思维。久而久之,高分,非我莫属! 周末也是我徜徉书海的好时光。在周末温暖的下午,喝杯下午茶,翻开新买的课外书,坐在课椅上,我像饿狼一样贪婪的吸吮书中的精华,那是多么惬意啊!书海无穷无尽,内容引人入胜,让我爱不释手。读书的好处,数不胜数:可以增长知识,开拓视野,提高作文水平,积累好词好句......

周末的美好已让我沉醉其中,你是我生命中不可缺少的部分。 周末,我爱你!

我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇7

I think everyone likes weekend. Because it’s time for relax and fun.Now I want to talk about my weekend.


I often spend Saturday for fun. Such as playing basketball with my friends, watching movies and TV shows, having a trip with family and so on.And I always spend Sunday for homework and have some rest.


Sometimes I visit my grandparents with my parents.It's very interesting to visit them.


我的周末作文50词五年级简单 篇8

Last weekend,I did a lot of things.It was fun! On Saturday morning,I cleaned the room.Then I did my homework.Its so hard.After that,I went to the library.I have some questions so I need to find the answers in the books.The next day,I flied kites in the park.As soon as I came back home from the park,my friends phoned me to go to the zoo.When we went back home,it was very late.So I played the giutar for a few time and then went to bed.