
1、不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。 Instead of justifying failure, find ways to succeed.


3、不勤于始,将悔于终。 Not diligent in the beginning, will regret in the end.


5、没有人能令你失望,除了你自己。 No one can disappoint you, except yourself.


7、牢记所得到的,忘记所付出的。 Bear in mind what has been gained, and forget what has been paid.


9、挥洒斗志抒无悔青春,挑战极限圆人生梦想。 To express unrepentant youth, to challenge the ultimate circle of life dream.

10、名列前茅是银,日新月异是金。平日从严,高考坦然。 Silver is at the top of the list, and gold is changing with each passing day. The college entrance examination is calm.


12、苦干加巧干,本科重点有希望。 With hard work and hard work, the emphasis is on the undergraduate.

13、天生我材必有用。 Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use.

14、奋至六月勇跃龙门;志在百日敏思操笔。 To leap to Longmen bravely in June; to write in Hundred Days Minsi.


16、因为日出东方,所以早起必能看到朝霞。 Because the sun rises in the East, you can see the morning glow when you rise early.

17、不管失败多少次,都要面对生活,充满希望。 No matter how many times you fail, you should face life and be full of hope.

18、高考中没有失败,它带给每个人的深刻思考、刻骨铭心的经历和感受都是不可多得的财富。我们为理想而奋进的过程,其意义远大于未知的结果。 There are no failures in the college entrance examination, and the profound thinking, unforgettable experiences, and feelings it brings to everyone are invaluable assets. The process of striving for our ideals has much greater significance than the unknown results.

19、近了,近了,高考近在眼前了;快了,快了,梦想就快实现了;微笑,微笑,一定把美好明天拥抱。祝金榜题名,考试顺利,心想事成。 Approaching, approaching, the college entrance examination is right in front of us; Fast, fast, your dream is about to come true; Smile, smile, embrace a beautiful tomorrow. Wishing you all the best in the imperial examination and success in your dreams.

20、贵的“复仇”是宽恕对方。 The most noble of the "revenge" is to forgive each other.


22、从容面对高考,自信迈向未来。自信创造奇迹,拼搏续写神话。 Face the college entrance examination calmly and confidently move towards the future. Confidence creates miracles, hard work continues to write myths.

23、考上了也没什么,反正四年以后你们还是继续迷茫。 There was nothing wrong with it. Anyway, four years later, you are still confused.



26、不要说辛苦,打起精神,就拼他个青春无悔。 Dont say hard work, get up your spirits, and fight for his youth without regret.

27、用勤奋努力追上“信心”,用轻松应对追上“安心”,用胸有成竹追上“雄心”,用金榜题名追上“开心”。高考在即,愿你用成功追上“欢心”! Strive to catch up with "confidence" with diligence, catch up with "peace of mind" with ease, catch up with "ambition" with confidence, and catch up with "happiness" with gold rankings. The college entrance examination is approaching, may you catch up with "Huanxin" with success!

28、高考是个大熔炉,你的汗水经过熔炉制造出来的是‘水到渠成’,你的苦读经过熔炉打造出来的是‘旗开得胜’,你的努力经过熔炉锻造出‘成功在握’,愿你考出好成绩,金榜题名。 The college entrance examination is a big melting pot, where your sweat is made into a natural outcome. Your hard work is made into a victory through the melting pot, and your hard work is forged into a success in hand through the melting pot. May you achieve good results and rank high in the imperial examination.

29、人生能有几回搏,今日不搏何时搏。 Life can have several beats, todays no fight when to fight.

30、如果有山的话,就有条越过它的路。 If there is a mountain, there is a way across it.

31、积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。祝你高考取得好成绩! Positive people see an opportunity in every crisis, while negative people see some kind of crisis in every opportunity. Wishing you good results in the college entrance examination!


33、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 A few minutes more preparation last night and a few hours less trouble today.


35、祝你高考成功,成功之路始于脚下。加油! Wishing you success in the college entrance examination, as the path to success begins at your feet. Come on!


37、蓄建瓴之势,闻鸡起舞,明岁金秋扬眉时。 Build up the momentum, smell the chicken dance, the next year when the golden autumn brows.

38、如果你就这种程度,那我真的要看低你了。 If you are on this level, then I really want to look down on you.



41、我们相信,你们会用你们的行动,书写自己的辉煌! We believe that you will use your actions to write your own glory!

42、努力就能成功,坚持确保胜利。 Hard work will lead to success, and persistence will ensure success.

43、苦战题海,夺秒必争。 Fight hard and fight for the second.

44、十年苦读,一朝决胜负换来笑逐颜开。数载艰辛,六月定乾坤赢得似锦前程。相信自己是最棒的,高考加油! Ten years of hard study, one decisive victory or defeat brings a smile on ones face. After years of hardships, in June, the world was determined and a bright future was won. Believe in yourself to be the best, go for the college entrance exam!

45、命是弱者的借口,运是强者的谦词。 Life is the excuse of the weak, luck is the modesty of the strong.

46、在人生的牌局中,发牌的是上帝,打牌的.却是我们自己。 In the game of life, it is God who deals, but we ourselves who plays.

47、对命运,对负责。 Commitment to destiny and commitment to commitment.

48、为五月最后统考拼搏,稳做王者看谁与争锋! Fight for the final unified examination in May, and be the king to see who is competing!


50、有志诚可乐,及时宜自强。 Coke with ambition and self-improvement in time.

51、决战高考,改变命运,屡挫屡战,笑傲群雄。 Battle the college entrance examination, change your destiny, face repeated setbacks and challenges, and be proud of others.

52、没有松柏恒,难得雪中青。 No conifers constant, the rare snow middle.



55、我为成功而生,我为青春二战。 I was born for success, I was born for youth World War II.

56、望你以最饱满的热情最昂扬的斗志最刻苦的精神最坚韧的毅力,全力以赴,坚持到底,满怀信心地去迎接高考,争取优异的成绩! I hope you will go all out with the fullest enthusiasm, the highest fighting spirit, the most hardworking spirit, the most tenacious perseverance, persevere to the end, and confidently welcome the college entrance examination to strive for excellent results!

57、一心教学,笑迎七八九,争传瓜井育贤才。 Teach wholeheartedly, laugh at the seventy-eighty-nine, strive to pass on Guajing to educate talents.

58、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕!

59、爸爸妈妈祝你高考一切顺利!超常发挥,金榜题名!一定能考上理想的大学! Mom and Dad wish you all the best in the college entrance examination! Extraordinary performance, top of the charts! I will definitely be admitted to my ideal university!

60、read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life. 点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀窍。

61、勇登书山,点点心血勤育英才厚泽九州。 Yongdeng Shushan, little effort and hard work to cultivate talents Houze Kyushu.

62、高考属于你!相信自己,你是最棒的!祝你在高考中旗开得胜、一鸣惊人、金榜题名! The college entrance examination belongs to you! Believe in yourself, you are the best! Wishing you a successful start, a stunning success, and a top spot in the college entrance examination!

63、努力造就实力,态度决定高度。 Efforts to build strength, attitude determines height.

64、没有什么可惜不可惜,只有现在有没有努力! There is no regret, only now there is no effort!



67、努力定有回报,自信相当重要;烦恼多多少少,放松必不可少;给自己一个微笑,迎来的将是一片美好。祝高考顺利,冲上云霄! Hard work pays off, confidence is quite important; More or less troubles, relaxation is essential; Give yourself a smile, and you will be greeted with a beautiful scenery. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination and soaring to the sky!

68、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。 Poor and a stronger, dont drop the qingyun.

69、奋斗的双脚在踏碎自己的温床时,却开拓了一条创造之路。 While struggling to break his hotbed, his feet opened up a road of creation.

70、沙漠里的脚印很快就消逝了。一支支奋进歌却在跋涉者的心中长久激荡。 The footprints in the desert soon faded away. The song of struggle has been stirring in the heart of the Trekker for a long time.

71、Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前, 决不放弃!

72、高考第一天,祝福送到手。考前准备要做好,学习用品要带好,上了考场莫紧张,平常心对待莫要忘。相信我能行,相信我最棒,给自己一份鼓励,给自己创造一个良好的考试环境。祝你高考成功! On the first day of the college entrance examination, blessings are in hand. Be well prepared before the exam, bring your study materials, dont be nervous when going to the exam room, and dont forget to treat them with a calm heart. Believe that I can do it, believe that I am the best, give yourself encouragement, and create a good exam environment for yourself. Wishing you success in the college entrance examination!

73、故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。 So determined to, to the heart of learning also; For scholars, determined also.

74、一年一度的高考又来到,短信送你神笔一只,此笔一挥无难题,此笔一挥文采洋溢,此笔一挥天下无敌。朋友祝你早日金榜题名。 The annual college entrance examination is here again, and I will send you a magical pen via text message. With just one stroke, there are no difficulties, and with just one stroke, it is full of literary talent. With just one stroke, it is invincible in the world. My friend wishes you success in the gold medal soon.

75、出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。 Go out on a good road, say good words and do good deeds.


77、亲爱的,就要进考场了,我在这大大的北方城市里,为你祝福,我相信,你知道的,我的祝福伴在你的左右,我知道,你一定会赢的!祝高考顺利! Dear, we are about to enter the exam room. I am in this big northern city and wish you well. I believe, you know, my blessings are with you, and I know you will definitely win! Wishing the college entrance examination a smooth journey!

78、我知道高考很难,但我也知道,如果不努力,以后会更难。 I know that the college entrance examination is difficult, but I also know that if I dont work hard, it will be even more difficult in the future.


80、挥洒今朝汗水、创造明日辉煌。 Sweat today and create tomorrow.


82、十年磨剑为一搏,六月试锋现真我! Ten years of sharpening the sword for a struggle, in June to test the true self!

83、只有正视自己的无知,才能扩大自己的知识。 Only when we face up to our ignorance can we expand our knowledge.