模具工自我评价 篇1

模具专业自我鉴定 大学三年来,通过老师的悉心教导、学友的鼓励与帮助和自身不断努力地学习与进取,圆满的完成了各科成绩,现总结如下:

(1)学习成绩良好,具备扎实的专业基础知识,掌握了机械加工原理与方法、数控编程、冷冲压及塑料模具设计与制造。 模具专业毕业生自我鉴定

(2)熟悉autocad、pro/engineer、ug、mastercam、caxa等绘图软件,并在XX年广东省第二届大学生cad/cam软件应用竞赛中获得了优秀奖,大三综合成 绩二等奖,在校期间还参加了学院的钳工和cad绘图技能大赛并都进入了决赛。


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3.有一定的产品设计能力,对五金和塑胶模具有一定的分析能力.工作内容主要包括:产品id评估, 结构设计开发, 结构开模可行性评估,结构变更评估,产品量产及cost down维护,新供应商开发与承认;

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模具工自我评价 篇6

I became the company's trial employees in the year 20xx, the next month that trial period expires positive, the work of this period of time, led by the company under the leadership of colleagues with their help in their work, study and other aspects Have achieved good results, will now own a few months of work, learning to do about the summary,

As a new employee, the first to the company, have been very worried about how I do not know how to coexist, how to do a good job; but the company relaxed and harmonious working atmosphere, united and progressive corporate culture, so I quickly completed from students to staff change.

In the rotation internship, I have in the manufacturing department workshop visit nearly a month time. The various positions and production processes in the shop are all I have never had before, and my expertise is also a big difference; but the leadership of various departments and colleagues, patient guidance, so I am in a short period of time familiar with the production sector as a whole Operation process, the company's products and production positions with a better understanding.

In the work of this department, I have been strict demands on themselves, in a timely manner to do a good job in the leadership layout of each task, and take the initiative to share the worry for the leadership; professional and non-professional issues do not understand the humbly ask colleagues to learn and constantly improve themselves , In its place, to seek their jobs, do their best. Of course, the beginning of the workplace, inevitably there are some small difference between the small and the wrong to lead the correction; but the lesson of the matter, the funeral of the division, these experiences make me continue to mature, in dealing with various issues to consider more comprehensive, to prevent similar mistakes happened. Here, I would like to specifically thank the leadership of the department and my colleagues for my induction guide and help, for their work in my omission and inadequate reminder and inadequate correction, especially in the departure procedures for vouchers, personnel table optimization, the Class document number filing electronic filing and other aspects of the recommendations and guidance, but also urged me to have the time required for personnel positions in the careful thought and sense of responsibility

After six months, I have been able to independently deal with the basic staff procedures such as induction, transfer, transfer, transfer, contract renewal, reward and punishment, separation and so on, organize the filing of employee contracts, assist in providing employee insurance documents andList, processing daily employee documentation reimbursement, and assisting in the provision of personnel-related information and data required by the various departments of the company Staff self-evaluation Self-evaluation Self-evaluation. In the past two months to participate in the colleges and universities in the 20xx campus recruitment, learn and refer to the colleagues and leaders in the recruitment interview in the experience and skills, and gradually improve their knowledge in the lack of talent. Of course, I have a lot of problems, to deal with problems in terms of experience to be improved, the department also needs to further enhance the ability to collaborate, need to continue to learn to improve their operational capacity.

This is my first job, which I learned a lot of the past six months, sentiment a lot; see the rapid development of the company, I am deeply proud and proud, and more urgent hope to a formal staff identity Work here, to achieve their goals, reflect their value in life, and the company grow together. Here I put forward, ask the leadership to give me to continue to exercise their own, to achieve the ideal opportunity. I will use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work, create value for the company, with the company to look forward to a better future!

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