
1、典雅的色彩与温柔的质感,将现代家居的舒适与完美概括成一种简洁、雅致。 Graceful colors andgentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modernhouse to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity.

2、Love makes man grow up or sink down. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

3、历经沧海桑田,受尽嘲讽讥言,最后才知人间冷暖。after going through vicissitudes of life and being ridiculed, i finally know the warmth and coldness of the world.

4、明白自己是谁,适合做什么,比盲目去努力更重要。it is more important to know who you are and what you are fit to do than to work hard blindly.

5、我们献给青春最好的礼物,就是奋斗!the best gift we give to youth is struggle!

6、宽大而简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的身体完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的气息,又渐渐苏醒过来。 My busy body is lostcompletely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is drearyall the day comes to itself gradually.

7、成功属于那些很快做出决定,却又不轻易变更的人。success belongs to those who make decisions quickly but dont change easily.

8、用艺术的思维凝结生活的感动,家也可以拥有如此生动的自由。 Coagulating the movementof life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the livelyfreedom also.

9、枫木的原始清香,在现代家居的优雅中四处漫溢。 The original fragrant ofmaple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room.

10、清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。它是简单的,有一种淳朴自然的气质。 Plain Maple has aneternal charm to intoxicate us. It is si-mp-le, with a kind of si-mp-leand natural temperament.

11、思念的滋味,好似梅雨季的烟雨,迷朦了潮湿的心。the taste of missing is like the misty rain in the rainy season, which obscures the wet heart.

12、don't let the past steal your present. 别让过去悄悄偷走了你的当下。

13、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。 Living in the wonderfulspace of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furnitureand taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!

14、Give up worrying about what others think of you. What they think isnt important. What is important is how you feel about yourself. 不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你自己。

15、涐的心,似乎在那一瞬间就注定不再是涐自己的了。my heart seems to be doomed not to be my own at that moment.

16、I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart. 我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。

17、冲一杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间里享受一个人的惬意。 Get a cup of coffee withoriginal taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the purespace.

18、Fading is true while flowering is past. 凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去。

19、心与自然同在的时候,我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极力追求的。 Our mindwill get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature,which is just the life style we are chasing.

20、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。 The understanding ofthe color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. However,you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to reallife.

21、人生就像奕棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。Life is like a game, one wrong, everything to lose.

22、Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. 对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。

23、生活的乐趣取决于生活都本身,而不是取决于工作或地点。DouBenShen life depends on the life, not depends on the job or location.

24、行走在他人的城市,美丽,是我一个人的孤独。独自面对这份尊贵,思念的茧,慢慢长出温暖。 Walking in the city ofotxmfish, beauty is my own loneliness. Facing the noblenemyself,warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing.

25、在最心爱的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天来最大的幸福。 Having the deliciousdinner on the most precious table is the biggest happineall theday.

26、Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future.痛苦让人更坚强;眼泪让人更勇敢;心碎让人更睿智;所以感谢过去,它让你有个更好的未来。

27、轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。 The soft music isconvoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on theingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor.

28、在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开 At the moment when thepoetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds withthe wind.

29、The hard part isnt making the decision. Its living with it.

30、在每一个清晨,安静地享受家的温暖与诗意,生活中最美的细节总是这样令人陶醉。 Enjoying the warmth andpoetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in thelife are always so charming.

31、成功最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。Success is the most important is not to look at the distance of fuzzy, and hand out to do.

32、只有两种生活方式:腐烂或燃烧。胆怯而贪婪的人选择前者,勇敢而胸怀博大的人选择后者。There are only two lifestyle: decay or burning. Fear and greed of people choose the former, brave and the mind of people choose the latter.

33、静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月脚步,感悟属于自己的完美空间,心灵也就轻盈起来了。 Listening to the wordsof life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting theperfect space belong to you, then the heart will belight-hearted.

34、在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。 All things are endowedwith natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space,which constructs a pure ambit.

35、清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。 The clean and elegantlife style deduces the deep thought of life.

36、在现代居室里寻觅云高风清的淡泊,时光就在这一瞬定格。 Looking for the leisuremood in the modern room, time is settled at the moment.

37、装饰简洁清雅的书房,延伸着我感性的触角。在这个灵性的空间里,把我孤独的灵魂放飞。 The studying room withsi-mp-le and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna. I canfly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space.

38、In the past, I only wanted people to see the best of me. Now, I find that I do not mind your seeing my faults because I want you to accept me the way I am.以往,我只在人前呈现出最好的一面。如今我不介意你看到我的缺点,因为我希望你接受的,是一个完整的我。

39、清新的花儿,静立在圆几上,绽放着自我的美丽。 The clean flowers standon the circular table silently, opening its own beauty.

40、面对那些嘴贱的人,要么就不理,要么就大胆还击。in the face of those cheap people, either ignore them or fight back boldly.

41、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

42、今天所做之事勿候明天,自己所做之事勿候他人。Matter of the today do not wait tomorrow, dont wait others what he had done.

43、你是我的定格,我是你的过客。you are my stop frame, i am your passer-by.

44、He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

45、Whether happiness and sorrow in life would finally become memories. Why not face them with smile? 一生中无论快乐与悲伤,到最后都将成为回忆,不妨学着一笑置之的胸怀。

46、Yesterday is but todays memory, and tomorrow is todays dream.

47、都市的温情,又融入大自然的朴质,使现代家具呈现出一种独特的人文情怀。 The warmth of citymelted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture takeon an unique humanism care.

48、生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。 Lifeis to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kindof most felicitous way.

49、家具也有自己的个性,在宁静的晨光与诗意的黄昏中与灵魂悄悄对话。 Furniture has its owncharacter too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in thepeaceful morning and poetic dusk.

50、在这里,自然可以被赋予一种颜色,一种思想,一种境界。 Nature can be endowed bya kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind ofconception.

51、Love makes people forget about time, while time makes people forget about love. Don't let yesterday take up more of today. 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。不要让太多昨天占据你的今天!

52、莫愁前路无知己,钱多自然有红颜!dont worry, there is no confidant in the future. more money naturally has a beauty!

53、Sometimes I miss you so much that I can hardly stand it. 有时候我好想你,想到无法承受。