1、成长会让你失去很多,但得到的却没那么多。 Growth will make you lose a lot, but not so much.

2、谁能给我一个肩膀,让我狠狠的哭。 Who can give me a shoulder, let me cry.

3、我和你注定是两条平行线,永远不会有交点。 You and I are destined to be two parallel lines, there will never be an intersection.

4、我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢的变老。 The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you.

5、幸福的花儿,终究有一天陨落成泥滋润着悲伤。 Happy flowers, is a day after falling into the mud moistens sadness.

6、只是悔恨当初没有拉住你的手。 Just regret not holding your hand.

7、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底。 I was unable to participate in your past, your future I will fight in the end.

8、世界上,每个人都很贱,只是方式不同。 In the world, everyone is cheap, but the way is different.

9、谁可以陪我看一场一辈子那么长的电影。 Who can accompany me to see a movie so long.

10、我喜欢你,也愿意放弃你! I like you, but also willing to give up you!

11、我还守在原地,不为等你,只是等自己放弃。 I also kept in place, not waiting for you, just waiting to give up.

12、如果我爱上你的笑容,要怎么收藏要怎么拥有。 If I fall in love with your smile, how to collect how to have.

13、很相信能成就大爱,很相信能炫耀自己。 I believe I can achieve great love, I believe I can show off.

14、当爱情变为亲情,那就是永生的爱。 When love becomes affection, that is eternal love.

15、原地画个圈圈、告诉你、你被我圈在了我的心里。 In situ, draw a circle to tell you, you are my ring in my heart.

16、用一生坚守自己许下的承诺,这就是爱。 With a lifetime to stick to their promise, this is love.

17、爱那么短,遗忘那么长。 Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

18、请你当我手心里的宝。 Please be the treasure in my hand.

19、在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。 In my heart, accompany and understand, more important than love.

20、我相信我爱你。依然。始终。永远。 I believe I love you. Still. Throughout。 Forever.

21、你认识了一个人,然后你的人生就永远改变了。 You know a person, and your life will change forever.

22、因为太多的错过,所以总有很多悲剧的遗憾。 Because too many miss, so there are always a lot of tragic regret.

23、每次都在心里说就这样算了吧,却还是放不下。 Every time I say it in my mind, but still can not put down.

24、没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 Without love, the earth is a tomb.

25、世界有皆多的旋律,唯独谈不出自己的心情。 The world has many melodies, but can not talk about their feelings.
