
1、you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.

2、taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Happy Teacher"s Day.


4、I would like to transform into the chalk in your hand, accompanying you to write philosophical words. I hope to transform into the podium where you stand, watching you guide the world in the classroom. I would also like to transform into this short message, bringing my sincere blessings and wishing you a happy Teachers Day! 我愿化身您手中的粉笔,伴随您写下哲理的文字,我盼变身您站立的讲台,看着您在教室指点江山,我更愿化为这一条短信,带去我的真诚的祝福,祝您教师节快乐!

5、I wish you a happy Teachers day and step by step!

6、Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.

7、Teaching is about heart to heart communication, there is no need to exchange gifts, but blessings must be present. Wishing you a happy Teachers Day! 教学以心交流,无需交换礼品,但是祝福一定要有。祝福您教师节快乐!




11、Teaching is like spring breeze, teachers kindness is like deep sea. Happy Teachers Day!【yjs21.CoM 幼儿教师教育网】

12、Teachers Day, Double Happiness Comes; Happiness, happiness, nothing else! 教师节,双喜临门;快乐,幸福,没有别的!


14、Hello teacher! On this beautiful Teachers Day, I wish you good health and smooth work, and I also wish you to always maintain that warm heart and continue to escort the growth of students. 老师您好!在这美好的教师节,祝愿您身体健康、工作顺利,更愿您永远保持那颗温暖的心,继续为学生成长护航。



17、A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.


19、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.


21、The heat of summer is digested, and the autumn wind blows. The beautiful campus welcomes a sacred holiday, Teachers Day. In this holiday, although the words of blessings are different, the blessings inside are the same: Wishing teachers a happy holiday, always young, and always healthy! 夏日的暑热消化,秋风袭来,美丽的校园迎来了一个神圣的节日教师节,在这个节日里,虽然祝福的话语不尽相同,但里面的祝福却是一样的:祝福老师节日快乐,永远年轻,永远健康!

22、I wish you a happy Teachers day and wish you everything!

23、I will always remember your teachings; I will always admire your character; Your life trajectory is my goal in life. On Teachers Day, I would like to convey all the blessings from my students to you. Thank you for making me what I am today! 您的教诲,我永远铭记;您的为人,我永远崇拜;您的人生轨迹,是我做人的目标。教师节,我把学生给我的祝福全部转给您,感谢您成就了我的今天!




27、You are a soul engineer, building a smart building; You are the knowledge enlightenment teacher, spreading countless hopes; You are a soul mender, weaving a beautiful future; You are a flower horticulturist who cultivates the world of peaches and plums. Teachers Day, hello to the teacher! 您是灵魂工程师,建起智慧大厦;您是知识启蒙师,播洒希望无数;您是心灵修补师,编织美好未来;您是花卉园艺师,培育桃李天下。教师节,向老师问好!

28、You are the sunshine of winter, giving us warmth and radiance. You are the drizzle of spring, moistening our hearts with rain and dew. You are the brilliant Big Dipper in the sky, pointing us the way forward. Happy Teachers Day! 你是冬日的阳光,把光芒温暖给了我们。你是春天的细雨,将雨露滋润了我们的心田。你是天上灿烂的北斗星,给我们指明了前进的道路。教师节祝恩师快乐!



31、Teachers day, happy do not miss!

32、I wish you a happy Teachers day and a happy health!

33、Thank you for your care and encouragement to us. Wishing you a happy Teachers Day! 感谢您对我们的关怀和鼓励,祝您教师节快乐!


35、wish you a happy Teachers day and a beautiful mood!

36、Every sunshine is my blessing for you, every rain holds my deep longing for you, every gust of wind blows away my infinite wishes for you. On this special day, I extend eternal gratitude to you and wish you a happy Teachers Day. 每一屡阳光是我对你的祝福,每一丝雨牵着我对你深深的思念,每一阵风刮去我对你无限的祝愿,在这个特别的日子里像你致以永恒的谢意,祝教师节快快乐。


38、Thanks for being such a great teacher.Happy Teacher"s Day.




42、Teachers Day is coming. Happy Teachers Day!

43、You are like that fire, the raging flames burning me; You are like raindrops in spring, lingering and nourishing me; You are all like this, what else can I say? Only the voice of blessings: Happy Teachers Day, safe life. 你就像那团火,熊熊的火焰燃烧着我;你就像春天的雨滴,缠绵着,滋润着我;你都这样了,我还能说什么,只有祝福的声音:教师节快乐,生活平安。

44、Teachers Day is here, dear teacher, wish you a healthy and happy life and all the best!


46、Teacher, I wish you a happy Teachers Day and progress! 老师,祝您教师节快乐,步步高升!

47、Happy Teachers day, happy all day!



50、Thank you, teacher. Happy Teachers Day!




54、ks for being such a great y Teacher"s Day.
