Happy New Year! Good health! Be in a good mood! Everything is fine!~~你是否关注类似的句子呢?以下是编辑为大家收集的“新年英文贺卡祝福语收藏”相信你能找到对自己有用的内容。


1、, fill the happy wine, gather at the reunion table, talk about the happiness of the new year, and think about the wonderful future. The new year is coming. May the king be happy, healthy, safe, lucky and lucky, and everything is going well.

2、Happy new year, my best friend。祝我的挚友新年快乐。

3、Welcome the new year together with all the immortals.

4、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year with your loved ones!

5、A toast on New Year's Eve, wishing you good luck every year.

6、I wish you great development and success.

7、Beautiful tonight, new years Eve reunion, happy, happy happy.


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10、you are a tall and upright tree, the years have not been engraved on you. Under your care. The rise of a forest around you is green and lush. Bless you, my teacher. Happy new year.





15、The company will do better next year, I imagine.

16、Wishing you and your loved ones a year filled with love, laughter, and togetherness. Happy Chinese New Year! 祝你和你的家人一年充满爱、笑声和团聚。新春快乐!


17、although the new year hasn't arrived yet! But call you early New Year blessings, you do not wear night talk, take seven to eight blind plug mush! It is narrowed toche! See you do! Forget it, or let me wish you a happy New Year!

18、祝福 2025 年,愿你事业有成,爱情甜蜜,健康快乐,幸福永远。


20、Wishing you prosperity.恭喜发财。

21、Mery Christmas!

22、身体健康 Enjoy good health


24、愿 2025 年,你拥有一颗平静的心,一份满足的工作,一段美好的情感。

25、Once the Spring Festival is over, there is no worry.

26、Heaven and earth are round, and love is round between heaven and earth.

27、Have a happy and profitable year。

28、May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!祝新年快乐,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似锦。



31、Happy New Year! Good health! Be in a good mood! Everything is fine!

32、英 :Happy neing to
