
1、Father's love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring sunshine; Father's love is a life of laughter; Fatherly love is the yearning of wandering the horizon; Father's love is the care and anxiety of children in front of their bed. Happy Father's Day!

2、I turn countless thoughts into infinite blessings in my heart. I pray for you silently and wish you health and happiness!

3、For baby, wash all day long; Busy and busy, eyebrows and beard at once. Keep wet and hang on your neck. The little apron is worn around the waist, and the mouth is still laughing. For the next generation, this is not a Father's Day to congratulate you, Super Daddy!

4、You are an eagle, I am a bird; You are a tree, I am a grass; You are my father, and I am your naughty child. I sent it to you today for the holiday!

5、Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you forever.

6、The years are merciless, and the wind blows the rocks apart; Rain can rust steel; Time can bend your spine. There is love in the world, and the deep kinship remains unchanged. I deeply wish all fathers in the world healthy and happy on Father's Day!

7、Give you a happy fish and keep it in your mobile phone. It will bring you good luck, happiness, happiness and health. I wish you all the best on Father's Day!

8、My father is a big tree and I am a bird. My father will always be my dependence. My father is the sea, and I am a boat. I will ride freely in his arms forever. I wish all fathers a happy, healthy and long Father's Day. If you have time, you should go home and have a look. If you can't go home, you should also call.

9、I wish you good health and success in your work. I always smile and say loudly: I love you forever.

10、Father is a mountain, and father's love is water. He drove all the demons away, leaving a piece of light behind. Father is poetry, father's love is rhyme. It is he who makes our life better.

11、The virtue of the father is the property of the son. The father's feelings are like water, the father's love is like a mountain, shelter from the wind and rain, and the father's love is like an umbrella. From generation to generation, the father's love is boundless. Wish every father a happy holiday!

12、Use your hands to support the sky blue; You weave a warm home with sweat; You use serious, write a wisp of love; You are strong and can not bend your back. Take a rest when you are tired. I wish you health on Father's Day!

13、Your blood flows in my pulse, my character is deeply branded with your mark, and my thoughts inherit your wisdom. I will never forget all these things, my dear father!

14、Happy Father's Day! Successful career! Deo gratias! Love you.

15、Dad, I found you the song you like to listen to. I wish Dad happy! Happy holidays!

16、My father is my eternal spiritual pillar. On Father's Day, I wish my father healthy and happy forever!

17、It is said that happiness is a beautiful glass ball, broken and scattered in every corner of the world. Some people pick up more and some people pick up less. I would like to give you my points to make you happier than me. Happy Father's Day!

18、The summer is hot, the life is boring, the work is usually too tired, and the personal body is precious. It's right to eat more fruits and melons. If you are tired, you should go to sleep. Find a time to get together, and the place should not be too expensive. Happy Father's Day!

19、One cannot always be strong, but there are also times when one is weak; A person can not always be satisfied, there are also times of loss. Today's Father's Day, care more and love more. May you be the happiest father! Happy Father's Day!

20、How can an old man make me love so firmly for so long, purely selfless, warm, deeply dependent and respected-- Love you forever, Dad!

21、Dad, whenever you are my crutch, give me support, give me direction, give me strength, so that I can walk every section of the road in the future.

22、Father is the ladder for children to climb the sky, and father is the ox pulling the cart. He works hard for his children all his life in silence. No matter how hard he is, he will not say anything about it. His father's love is as strong as a mountain, as strong as perseverance, and as broad as the sea. On Father's Day, I wish all fathers in the world peace and happiness!

23、The petal rain floats past, leaving the heart to you, the four seasons wind blows past, leaving the maple leaves to you, the tide of the month surges past, leaving happiness to you, and deep blessing to you in the dead of night, wishing you a happy Father's Day!

24、Father, a great name, always supports the sky of life for us. On Father's Day, I wish my father healthy and happy.

25、You accompany me when I learn to walk; After doing homework, you check; When I make mistakes, you educate me; Food, clothing, housing and transportation, you provide for me; When you grow up, you miss me; Father's Day is coming. I send you my greetings. Please don't worry about me. I wish you peace and happiness!

26、I will always remember how warm the hands on my shoulders are when the wind blows; I will always remember the back that accompanied my growth, and change your years into my carefree happiness! Happy Father's Day, Dad!

27、Father's love is a bright light in my life journey, which illuminates my journey when I get lost.

28、Dad's teaching is like a light, indicating the direction; Father's care is like an umbrella, which protects against wind and rain; Dad's advice is like a drizzle, moistening things silently. Dad's back is like a mountain, majestic and magnificent.

29、With the cool wind in June, I say to you, Happy Father's Day!

30、There is a word for my father: strong; There is a feeling that only the sea can represent: fatherly love; There is a kind of touching, only moved by his father: bosom. On Father's Day, I wish my father happiness and health!

31、My pulse is flowing with your blood; My character bears your mark; My mind inherits your wisdom. Can I have more banknotes for my wallet? Happy Father's Day, Dad!

32、When he moves, you will be nervous; When he makes a noise, you will be flustered; When he cries, you lose your nerve; When he is happy, you will be annoyed. Because of him, your baby, you are brilliant! Father's Day is coming, of course you should be happy!

33、He is a new father, and his heart is glad; Look after children, how beautiful they are; For children, love yourself; Don't forget Father's Day; Blessing send, greeting go; Miss pass, wish you; Smile, not cry; In life, the best.

34、The new brothers and sisters are as light as lemons, cool and moistening their throats; Good brothers and sisters are thicker than milk, with sweet fragrance around their lips and dignified love; The old brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters. They share weal and woe together. Happy Father's Day!

35、Father's love is as great as green mountains; Holy as snow; Warm as the sun; Broad as rivers and seas! Happy Father's Day, Dad!

36、The love between father and son is in the heart, not in flesh and blood.

37、Father's Day initiative: All fathers who like to breathe smoke, for their loved ones more themselves, from today on, stop smoking! Your health is your wealth and our children's happiness!


39、You are my "father", who listened to you from childhood to adulthood; You are my "father", your smile is the most kind; You are the most lofty mountain in my heart. I wish my father a healthy and safe life on Father's Day!

40、When I was a child, you were a symbol of authority, and I did as you said; When I was young, you were the embodiment of trouble. You taught me to resist; In middle age, you are a symbol of concern, you nag me to think; When you are old, you are the pain in your heart. I used to taste you slowly. Happy Father's Day to all fathers in the world!

41、The milk bottle has not been brushed yet, so the work is nothing. The paper towel is hung every day, and you can help wipe the treasure at any time. You have a daughter-in-law and a baby, so you must work hard to catch it! Although children always learn to call their mothers first, there is a Father's Day that will make you look beautiful!

42、Running in the hot sun, sweating and starving; If you want to eat noodles, you'd better save them for your son! You are the person I should be grateful for. On the occasion of Father's Day, I sincerely say to you: Dad, you have worked hard!

43、Dad, remember to smoke less, drink less and exercise more. Your health is the happiness of the whole family. I wish you a happy holiday!

44、Father's love is a silent poem: severity is its title; Warmth is its sentence; Kindness is its connotation; Greatness is its true meaning. Father's Day is coming. I wish all fathers in the world safe and healthy!

45、Thank you for not only giving me life, but also giving me a healthy body. I have inherited and inherited many of your advantages, your wisdom.

46、Although you are always silent, your silent father's love will always be with you! Happy holidays, Dad!

47、The road of life is full of frustrations. Don't be sad if you fall down. Get up and bounce the earth. There is a happy land ahead. I will always remember your teachings, Dad. Happy holidays!

48、I'm not a woman; May Day has no share for us, and we are at best a quasi worker; The next six Mothers' and Fathers' Day didn't include us; Fortunately, the May 4th Movement came. My friends, we don't have many festivals, so we must be happy!

49、Father's love is like a mountain, with a tall and straight posture; Father's love is like the sea, and his broad mind is inclusive of his family; Father's love is like a river, which moistens the family. Father's Day is coming. Happy Father's Day.

50、A thousand roses for you, love yourself; A thousand paper cranes for you, trouble away from you; A thousand lucky stars for you, good luck around you; A thousand pistachios for you, good mood to find you; Happy Father's Day.

51、Things change and the stars will not stay for us. Only your love and my love will always be hidden in the depths of my heart. I wish my husband a happy Father's Day!