

1、Let us work towards a more inclusive and equitable society on this National Day and onwards.

2、May this National Day bring you blessings, grace, and peace from above.

3、Wishing you a sweet and enjoyable National Day, filled with all your favorite things.

4、May our country continue to be a shining example on this National Day and always!

5、May the National Day be filled with peace and happiness for all!

6、Happy National Day to the wise and noble people of China!

7、May the spirit of National Day fill your hearts and minds with hope, pride, and joy.

8、Happy National Day to the land of culture, tradition, and innovation! 祝福文化、传统和创新的国家国庆节快乐!

9、Happy National Day! May we always uphold and protect the dignity and human rights of every individual.

10、希望我们的国家越来越强大!Hope our country becomes stronger and stronger!

11、May your National Day be filled with pride, joy, and patriotism!

12、Let's honor the great achievements of our nation on this National Day with pride and honor. Happy Birthday, China!

13、Happy Chinese National Day! Let's celebrate our beautiful country and its people.

14、May the National Day bring you joy and prosperity!

15、You are still young and beautiful in my calendar and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks。Happy Birthday to you! 在我的日历上,你依然年轻美丽,而这特别的一年使你的容貌似乎更增光彩。

16、I wish you a memorable National Day filled with love, peace and joy! 祝你一个难忘的国庆节,充满爱、和平和快乐!

17、Celebrating the majesty and beauty of China on its National Day!


18、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, blessed, and joyous National Day.

19、Happy National Day to all the brave and patriotic citizens who have contributed to our nation's growth and development!

20、祝福祖国更加光芒万丈!Blessings for our motherland to shine even more brightly!

21、When seeing you off,we express deep regret and wish you a pleasant journey。我们怀着眷恋难舍的心情为您送行,祝你一路顺风。

22、As we commemorate our country's founding, let's remember and honor the sacrifices made by those who came before us.

23、Let us renew our pledge to make our nation stronger and more prosperous on this National Day!

24、Happy National Day to the courageous and indomitable people of China!

25、May the dreams of our forefathers for a strong and prosperous China become a reality in our time. 愿我们先辈的强国富民梦在我们这一代实现。

26、May this National Day remind us of our responsibility and duty to protect our natural environment, conserve our resources, and promote sustainable development for the benefit of all beings! 愿这个国庆节提醒我们保护我们的自然环境、保护我们的资源、促进可持续发展,造福所有生灵!

27、May this National Day be a tribute to our country's heritage, culture, and traditions.

28、祝福我们的国家和人民一生平安!Blessings for our country and people to live in peace!

29、Celebrating the beauty and wonder of China's natural landscapes on its National Day!

30、Happy National Day to the land that we call our own!

31、Happy National Day! Let's remember and honor those who sacrificed for our freedom and democracy.

32、May the National Day be a time of renewal, growth and hope for all!

33、Happy National Day! Let's unify and stand together for the greater good of our country.

34、May our country's achievements and successes continue to inspire us on this National Day!


35、祝愿中华儿女共同成就伟大的中国梦!Wishing the children of China jointly realize the great Chinese dream!

36、May the spirit of patriotism that fills our hearts on this National Day stay with us always. 愿在国庆节这一天充满着爱国主义精神,一直陪伴着我们。

37、May our country continue to flourish and prosper on this National Day and beyond!

38、Wishing you a happy National Day full of love, laughter, and many memorable moments! 祝你国庆佳节充满爱、欢笑和美好回忆!

39、Celebrating the freedom and democracy of our great nation on this National Day. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.

40、A gift of love for your birthday,which is a warm wish from my heart。Happiness for your birthday and always。送上一份生日礼物,它是我内心深处的是生日祝福,祝你生日快乐,岁岁平安!

41、Let's celebrate our creativity and innovation as Chinese people, and explore new frontiers of science, technology, art, and culture! 让我们庆祝我们作为中国人的创造力和创新精神,并探索科学、技术、艺术和文化的新领域!

42、Happy National Day! May we always strive to be compassionate, inclusive, and respectful towards others.

43、Happy National Day to all those who have made our country great! Let's celebrate our progress and renew our commitment to a better future. 祝所有为我们国家的伟大作出贡献的人们国庆节快乐! 让我们庆祝我们的进步并更新对美好未来的承诺。

44、Wishing you and your loved ones a safe, happy, and blessed National Day.

45、Wishing you a great National Day celebration filled with love, harmony and peace!

46、Happy National Day! Let's work towards a better and brighter future for our country and its people.

47、Wishing you a memorable and magical National Day filled with love and joy!

48、祖国和人民一切安好!Wishing everything is well for our motherland and people!

49、Happy National Day! May we always cherish and protect our natural resources for future generations.

50、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, blessed, and joyous National Day filled with love and gratitude.

51、May the spirit of National Day inspire us to become better citizens and human beings.

52、Wishing you a happy and memorable National Day celebration!
