
1、May the Year of the Dragon bring you happiness and prosperity. 祝你龙年快乐,事业有成。

2、May the Year of the Dragon bring you good fortune, happiness, and prosperity! Happy Spring Festival!

3、May your Spring Festival be filled with joy, wealth, and happiness. May you have a wonderful time with your family and friends.

4、Amidst the snowstorm, the brilliant lights shining brightly, the lively scene is both fascinating and enjoyable, I wish you a happy and joyful Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon 2025!

5、May the Year of the Dragon bring you good health, good luck and good fortune. 祝你龙年身体健康、好运连连、财神爷来家里转转!

6、May you have a happy Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon 2025, with good health, happy family, successful career, and abundant wealth!


8、Wishing you a prosperous and auspicious Year of the Dragon. 祝你龙年旺旺,好事连连。

9、Wishing you a joyful Spring Festival filled with love and warmth. 祝你春节快乐,充满爱和温暖。

10、Wishing you a happy and prosperous Year of the Dragon in 2025!



13、Celebrate the Year of the Dragon+10 with joy, love, and gratitude for all the blessings in your life! 以喜悦、爱与感恩的心情庆祝2025龙年,感谢生命中的一切美好!


15、Have a successful and fulfilling year ahead, with the blessings of the Dragon. 祝你在龙年里事业有成,圆满成功。

16、Happy Chinese New Year! May the dragon dance into your life with joy and prosperity.


18、The Spring Festival in the Year of the Dragon is here, don't forget to give yourself a chance to relax and enjoy this short holiday that belongs to you. May you be a sunshine boy/girl who never fades in the Year of the Dragon 2025!

