1、I am going to visualize myself doing well on the final exam.
2、Practicing previous exams will help me prepare for this final exam.
4、I'm going to take breaks every hour or so while studying for the final exam to avoid burnout.
5、I am going to focus on my strengths while studying for the final exam.
6、I need to believe in myself before the final exam.
7、I need to create a study schedule to ensure I cover all the material.
9、I'm going to review the formulas and equations needed for the final exam.
10、I am going to stay calm and confident, knowing that I have done everything possible to prepare for the final exams.
12、I have to stay organized and keep my notes neat during the final exam.
13、This exam will help prepare me for future challenges.
16、I need to start studying for my final exams ASAP.
18、I need to use all of the resources available to me during the final exam.
19、I need to read the instructions and questions carefully during the final exam.