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2、The way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind.




6、Christmas Carol


8、We have been through every kind of rain. There is little bitty stinging rain, rain that flew in side ways. And big old fat rain, to come straight up from underneaths .


10、Today is my birthday. And it's a special one because you once told me that when you came back, we might be the same age. Well, now I'm the same age that you were when you left... and it'd be really great if you came back soon.


12、Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.

13、Let them know you're a man who knows what he wants goes a long way in this life, all right?

14、Work fascinates me. I can look at it for hours!工作好有意思耶! 尤其是看着别人工作。[翻译的真差...]


16、Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on.

17、你们为何而来 我们来做生意

18、You're throwing away happiness with both hands, and reaching out for something that will never make you happy.

19、It means you are responsible for you, not your girlfriend, not your mom, not me, you.


21、You come close ,but you never made it. And if you were gonna make it ,you would have made it before now.

22、He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.【M.zF133.Com 趣祝福】


24、The reason I know this and you don't is because I'm younger and pure. So I'm more in touch with cosmic forces.



26、There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.

27、Life is expensive. You know, you have to be responsible.


29、He can find his way home if he wants to.

30、When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that's that you want to make sure your children feel safe.

31、这道城墙 是保卫世界和平的唯一屏障





36、You're never really done as long as you have a good story and some one to tell it to.



39、Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.

40、We become the most familiar strangers.


42、Furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

43、The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.



46、And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us.


48、You don't have to listen to your parents after you turn. Especially if they’re not helping you financially.
