
1、心动不如行动,去怨不如去干。Echocardiography action, to complain than to do。

2、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are at a young age, we all need to care。

3、保护自生环境,爱护我们生存的地球。protect the environment, love our planet。

4、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。The grass smiles, around a circle, please。

5、快快行动起来,保护自然生态!Quick action, protect the natural ecological!

6、让绿色看得见,让绿色听得见。Let green visible and green could hear。

7、创造绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。To create green fashion, embrace green living。

8、轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来。I gently walked, as I gently came。

9、做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她!Do the earth mother's boy, protect her!

10、不让尘土进校园,只让美好到我家。Don't let the dust into the campus, let beautiful to my house。

11、低碳生活是起点,幸福生活是终点。Low carbon life is a starting point, a happy life is the end。

12、请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。please take good care of the green, green is the source of life。

13、花儿以花香回报我们,我们只需脚下留情。Flowers to flowers returns, we just at the foot of mercy。

14、人类为什么总把环境意识抛在脑后。Why do humans always put environmental consciousness behind。

15、地球母亲难堪,人类儿女惭愧。The earth - mother, human - children ashamed。

16、热爱我们的母亲,不要再让她伤心和失望!Love our mother, don't let her sad and disappointed!

17、使母亲成为乐园,需要儿女携手努力。Make mother, children hand in hand and work。

18、选择低碳,选择健康,选择节能,选择希望。Choose low carbon, health, energy saving, choose hope。

19、鸟儿渴望洁净的天空,人类渴望绿色的家园。Bird to human desire to clean sky, eager to green their homes。

20、多栽一棵树,就给人类多增添一丝生存的希望。plant a tree, give human more add a little hope of survival。

21、人类应该为自己破坏环境的行为感到羞耻。Human beings should be ashamed for their destruction of environment。

22、动物是我们朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己。Animals are our friends, to protect animals is to protect ourselves。

23、绿化是我们生存的希望,美化是我们做人的根本。Green is our survival hope, beautification is fundamental to our life。

24、人类需要的是绿色,只有保护好环境,才能拥有绿色。Human need is green, and only protect the environment, to have green。

25、地球的梦想,给自己穿上一件漂亮的绿衫。Earth's dream, get yourself a beautiful green unlined upper garment。

26、保护环境,要你十分留心,十分细心,十分有心。protect the environment, to you very, very careful, very considerate。

27、倾听大自然母亲甜蜜的絮语,多么美好,岂能让母亲哽咽。Listen to the mother nature sweet whispers, how good, can let mother SOB。

28、保护环境卫生,减少生活污染,共建美好家园。To protect the environment health, reduce the pollution of life and to build better homes。

29、看,蓝色的地球多美呀!千万不要让她变成单调的黄色!Look, blue earth how beautiful ah! Don't let her become a dull yellow!

30、用我们的行动,创造未来的蓝天,健康生活在向我们招手。With our action, create the future of the sky, a healthy life in waved to us。

31、少一句空话,多一项行动;减一份污染,添一片绿色。A less empty talk and more action; A pollution reduction, add a piece of green。

32、少吃少喝少开车,节能有我;多走多做多种树,减排共赢。Eat less and less drink driving less, energy-saving have me; How do many kinds of trees, and win-win。

33、让水更清,让天更蓝,让花更艳,让我们的地球更美丽。Make water is more clear, day more blue, let more colourful flowers, make our earth more beautiful。

34、我们为天然资源越来越少而伤心,地球为我们破坏资源而哭泣。We sad for fewer and fewer natural resources, the destruction of resources cry for us。

35、一个地球,够了,一个海洋,够了,不够的是环保。One earth, enough is enough, a Marine, that's enough, is not enough - environmental protection。

36、地球的命运掌握在人们的股掌之间,稍不留神,将会被毁灭。The fate of the earth lies in the people's hand, a bit not careful, will be destroyed。

37、地球不该是黑色的,让天空湛蓝,河流洁净,花儿娇艳!Earth is black, dont let the sky was crystal clear, the river clean, delicate and charming flowers!

38、为了人类共同的未来,必须保护和合理使用好水资源。In order to the future of human beings, and the rational use of water resources must be protected。

39、清澈的河水是动物们的镜子,不要让河水再次污浊不清。The clear river is the mirror of the animals, don't let the noise of the river pollution is not clear again。

40、我是节能减排宣传员,请您离开电脑时,关上显示器。I am a advocate energy conservation and emissions reduction, please leave the computer, turn off the display。

41、喝洁净的水,呼吸新鲜的空气,这需要您每时每刻爱护环境!Drink clean water, breathe fresh air, this requires you to care for the environment all the time!

42、朋友,请给鸟儿多一片温暖的天空,请给鱼儿多一点娱乐的天地。Friend, please give the bird a warm air, please give the fish a bit more entertainment heaven and earth。

43、享受低碳生活,与自然重建和谐,拥抱绿色生活,与地球重修旧好。Rebuild harmony enjoy low carbon life, and nature, and embrace the green life, mend fences with the earth。

44、培养学生爱护环境的自觉性,养成垃圾分类回收的好习惯。To cultivate students the consciousness of environment protection, form the good habit of garbage sorting recycling。

45、门前院后种棵树,室内阳台养盆花,健康幸福到你家。In front of the hospital after the kind of tree, indoor the balcony a potted flower, health and happiness to your home。

46、培养学生随手关闭电器、电源的习惯,避免浪费用电。Cultivate the habit of students with closed electrical appliances, power supply, avoid the waste of electricity。

47、创节能型企业,树低碳风气;建节约型机关,立低碳丰碑。Gen energy-saving enterprises, tree low carbon atmosphere; To build a conservation-minded agencies, low-carbon monument。

48、严格执行节能减排法规标准,坚决查处违法违规行为。Strict implementation of the energy conservation and emissions reduction law standard, resolutely investigate violation behavior。

49、人类只有一个可生息的村庄地球,保护环境是每个村民的责任。Only one human interest-bearing village - the earth, protect the environment is the responsibility of each of the villagers。

50、深入开展创建节水型农业、工业、城市的活动,努力建设节水型社会。Work hard to create water-saving agriculture, industry, city activities, strive to build a water-saving society。

51、同节俭,不浪费,有限资源无限用;尚低碳,减排放,惠及子孙福泽长。With frugal, do not waste, use limited resources is infinite; Low carbon, emissions reduction, Sun Fuze long benefit。

52、倡导低碳生活,实施节能减排,树立环保意识,创造美好家园。Advocate low carbon life, the implementation of energy conservation and emissions reduction, set up environmental protection consciousness, creating a better home。

53、神州发展科学化,经济环境一起抓。春风又绿江南岸,低碳环保靠大家。The shenzhou scientific development, economic and environment together。 The spring breeze and green river south bank, low carbon environmental protection depends on everybody。

54、生命,因奋斗而精彩;地球,因你我而同在。节能减排,让你我携手未来。Life, because of the struggle and wonderful; The earth, because you and I together。 Energy conservation and emissions reduction, let you and me hand in hand in the future。



Like mother, like daughter.


Not so much the pain of others, you, as that their cultivation is not enough.


All things in their being are good for something.


There are still many causes pany and you shall be of the number.


Nothing is impossible to a pass. -- John Ruskin

生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。-- 罗斯金

Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. -- R.M. Nixon

命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,梦颐呛廖薹惧,满心愉悦地把握命?- 尼克松



To make scientific, diligence is the mother of success!


The more we learn, the more feel poor。


Work hard and study hard。 Let youth more glorious。


Learning to learn, who is very happy。


Teaching must start from learners of the existing experience。


Learning never shortcut, step by step climb peak。


You learn to think, and then to writing。


Study hard, work hard, make the youth more glorious。


To live is to learn, not learn to live。


Learning is labor, it is full of ideological work。


Who like me to work hard, who will like me success。


Reeducation through labor body, nurturing the heart study。


Study, study, study again! To learn, and then know。


All savings, ultimately comes down to time savings。


We should absorb useful knowledge like a sponge。


Talents are like natural plants, that learning is to be used for pruning。


Youth is time to learn wisdom, middle-aged period is put into practice。


Who like me to work hard, who will win as much as I do。


people will always be to learn。 When he died, is graduated。


What is a genius! I think, genius is hard work。


As long as there's something I don't know, you should study forever。


Ask a question, is often more important than to solve a problem。


Young only study profit, is the moment of life's most bleak。


Cheese, instead of, deadwood don't fold; perseverance, stone can be used。


Matter of the today do not wait tomorrow, don't wait others what he had done。


The contents of the knowledge in interest could be learning motivation。


Learning to have three heart, a confidence, the determination, perseverance。


In learning to do diligent hardworking brain attendance, can be learned。


Make up our biggest obstacle to learning is known, not unknown things。


Any transient inspiration in fact does not take the place of kung fu for a long time。


1、祖国事我们心心憧憬的处所。The motherland we xinxin vision space。

2、所有的战争,不过就是抢掠而已。All wars, but just for robbery。

3、天分就是持续不断的忍耐。Talent is the constant patience。

4、伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。A great career needs unswerving spirit。

5、天赋的力量大于教育的力量。Talent is stronger than the power of education。

6、雪崩时,没有一片雪花觉得自己有义务。No snowflake avalanche, feel obligated。

7、巨大的事业需要始终不渝的精力。Great career needs unswerving effort。

8、唯我独尊只不外是无知的假面具罢了。Just me only is the mask of ignorance。

9、即便没有上帝,也要创造一位上帝。Even if there is no god, also want to create a god。

10、即使没有上帝,也要创造一位上帝。Even if there were no god, also want to create a god。

11、独创性并不是首次察看某种新事物。Originality is not the first time to see some new things。

12、只有真正的需求,才会有真正的快乐。Only real demand, just can have real happiness。

13、禀赋的力量大于教导的力量。The endowment is stronger than the power of teaching。

14、要当个无聊男人的秘诀就是把什么都讲出来。To be a boring man's secret is to tell everything。

15、预言素来都只是为大人物而作的,小民无此必要。predictions are for big man, wang had no necessary。

16、说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。Tell a person true thoughts is a great comfort life。

17、人,如果没有记忆,就无法发明创造和联想。Man, if there is no memory, cannot be invention and lenovo。

18、不是事业为了思惟,而是思维为了事业。Is not a cause for thinking, but thinking in order to cause。

19、有学问的傻瓜,要远比无知的傻瓜还要愚蠢。The learned fool, are far more foolish than an ignorant fool。

20、世界就是一座供奉不协调之神的宏大神庙。The world is a sacrifice not coordinate of the grand temple of god。

21、书读得多而不思考,你会觉得自己知道的很多。Read much but not thinking, you feel like you know a lot。

22、有学识的傻瓜,要远比无知的傻瓜还要笨拙。Educated fool, are far more clumsy than an ignorant fool。

23、在这世上,不值得我们与之交谈的人比比皆是。In this world, is not worth we spoke to people everywhere。

24、古人充斥了对更遥远的古人的颂扬。The ancients flooded to the more distant the praises of the elders。

25、预言从来都只是为大人物而作的,小民无此必要。prophecy never just for big man, wang had no necessary。

26、当一个人无话可说时,必定说得非常低劣。When a person have nothing to say, must speak very poor。

27、图书馆是人类知识与谬误的宝库。The library is the treasure house of human knowledge and falsehood。

28、如果上帝确切不存在,那么就有必要发明一个来。Exactly if god does not exist, then it is necessary to invent one。

29、神谕的最了不起的作用在于保证战争的胜利。The oracle of the great role is to ensure that the victory of the war。

30、坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。Strong confidence, can make the ordinary people to make amazing career。

31、几个苍蝇咬几口,决不能羁留一匹英勇的奔马。A few flies bite a few mouth, must not hold a heroic horse gallop。

32、对亚当,天堂是他的家,而他的后裔,家就是天堂。For Adam, heaven is his home, and his descendants home is paradise。

33、在理想的最美好世界中,一切都是为美好的目的而设。In the most beautiful ideal world, all is for the purpose of the good。

34、做一个引人腻烦的人的秘诀就是告知别人所有。Be an equally bored man is told that the secret of all others。

35、书读得多而思考,你会觉得自己不懂的越多。More books to read and think, the more you feel like you don't understand。

36、自尊心是个膨胀的气球,轻轻一针就刺出了大风暴。Self-esteem is a inflated balloon, stab with a needle out of the big storm。

37、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋子里的一粒沙子。Make the person tired not far away mountains, but a grain of sand in your shoe。

38、人类通常像狗,听到远处有狗吠,自己也吠叫一番。people often like a dog, and heard a dog barking in the distance, oneself also barking。

39、在幻想的最美妙的世界中一切都是为最美好的目标而设。In the fantasy of the most wonderful thing in the world is all for the best target。

40、无论天资有多麽高,他仍需学会了技巧来发挥那些天资。No matter how much talent, he still need to learn the skills to play those talents。

41、使人疲乏的不是远方的深谷,而是鞋子里的一粒沙子。Make the person tired not far away deep canyons, but a grain of sand in your shoe。

42、我们在这世上时日不多,不值得在可鄙的坏蛋的脚下爬行。We don't have much time in this world, not worth it at the foot of a contemptible wretch。

43、没有所谓运气这个货色,一切无非是考验、处分或弥补。There is no luck this shit, everything is nothing more than test, disciplinary action or make up for。

44、我可能不同意你的观点,但我誓死扞卫你说话的权利。I may not agree with your point of view, but I'm fiercely defending the death your right to say it。

45、要在这个世界上取得胜利,就必需贯彻始终;剑至逝世都不能离手。To win in this world, it is necessary to carry out always; Sword to death can off hand。

46、对于亚当而言,天堂是他的家;然而对于亚当的后裔而言,家是他们的天堂。For Adam, heaven is his home; However for the seed of Adam, the home is a paradise for them。

47、人类第一个国王乃是一名成功的士兵,国度的元勋无需有光荣的先人。First the king is a successful soldiers, fathers do not need to have a glorious ancestors in the work of the kingdom。

48、豪情是使航船扬帆的骤风,有时也使它淹没,但不风,船就不能前进。pride is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it flooded, but not the wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。

49、人生来是为行动的,就像火总向上腾,石头总是下落。一无行动,就等于他并不存在。Come into action in life, like the fire always went up, always falling rocks。 Without action, is he does not exist。

50、激情是使航船扬帆的骤风,有时也使它沉没,但没有风,船就不能前进。passion is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it sunk, but there is no wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。

51、恋情之中高贵的成分不亚于温顺的成分,使人向上的力气不亚于使人萎靡的气力,有时还能激发别的美德。Relationship of noble as docile, make men upward strength as the strength of weak, sometimes also can inspire other virtues。

52、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。Inpidual is concerned, each not identical poor to cultivate happiness。 Therefore, more and more frequently, unfortunately, more is a good thing。

53、当我们第一遍读一本好书的时候,我们仿佛觉得找到了一个朋友;当我们再一次读这本好书的时候,仿佛以各老朋友重逢。When the first time we read a good book, as if we find a friend; When we read the book again, as if to meet old friends。

54、自尊是我们保留之工具;它相似物种永存的工具;它是必须的,它对我们是可贵的,它给我们快活,它必须暗藏起来。Self-esteem is the tool of we reserve; It tool of similar species forever; It is a must, it is precious to us, it gives us happy, it must be hidden。



You don't brave, no one strong for you。


No umbrella child, must strive to run!


Long long made a wise, no minds aspire to。


Winners never quit, quitters never succeed。


Success comes from the belief that we can。


Success always belongs to those who love struggle。


Wait for opportunity, is a very stupid behavior。


Only do the first, I don't do the second who。


Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own。


If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon。


But if not fly, the wings of the ideal of life burden。


To think highly of first oneself, others will respect you。


Life is full of choices, and life attitude is everything。


Losing is a kind of posture, is not the same as happiness。


When you respect your-self, just more willing to narrow oneself。


Low-key is a timeless virtue, simpleton learn to silence。


confidence, perseverance, courage, nothing is impossible。


Life is not return ticket, once started, can never return。


Something is out of our control, so we have to control ourselves。


Day no matter how high and how, stood on tiptoe is closer to the sun。


There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond。


Don't go, don't know road far。 Don't study hard, don't know the truth。


Success is not doing what you like to do, but do what you should do。


Let's concerns, will advance change to advance thinking and planning!


Life for some people is beautiful, the person's life is a struggle。


If friends make you angry, it means you still care about his friendship。


Morning, miss a day, not learn at a young age, miss a lifetime。


Happiness and luck is need cost, there is no such thing as a free lunch!


A person's happiness, not because he owns much, but he care about less。


You open to the views of different people with you, that day is better。



A an again, the in the mind also has a strong love dream.


I have never been money y.


Money is a good servant, but also become the evil master in some occasions.


people of money is a tool to keep freedom.


Deification of the money, it an cannot too material, material is an, only to pull material not bottom face of the woman.


Friend's increased us for a feen harvest, manage their careers depend on others, money-oriented person does not have attains.


e girls worship money, because you're just jealous of those who can meet them.


The reason we worship money, because our society did not give everyone a fair chance.



Is not afraid of the customer, is not.


Listen to customers, business around the corner.


Customer opened the mouth, the business quickly.


Brave dream weavers, the practicalities of life.


The counter is a stage, happy care come with guest.


Coarse my fine, fine my resistance.


Ask three know, looking the vendor.


Money makes the mare go.


The first duty of a person in the courageous enough to probe into the truth.


The men carefully, patient with ladies.


Buy goods is really selling discount to light.


ers, big or small, regardless of how many transactions.


Man's knowledge more wide, the person's itself also will be.


Life the most heavy burden is not working, but boring.


Life is not a kind of enjoyment, but a pile is heavy work.


Don't care about your failure, and want to know why you will fail.


people need to be the truth, just like the blind need lively lead.


Science is a knoes down to time savings.


proper use of our time! e.


people don't because of beautiful just lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful.



Cold notice, in the spring breeze willow on return.


her again, deep city spring grass.


Xianyang February, GongLiu gold branch.


Even to cold over night, spring also.


Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors.


WenDaoChun haven't met, walk alongside cold plum visit news.


WeiCheng toward rain city light dust, qing qing LiuSe new guest.


Jiangpu thunder loud last night, color move in spring city.


Branches are easy to fall in succession, bud to open.


Sunrise river bonus - fire, spring to bluish green, such as blue.


The Yangtze river and the city green dye, lotus leaf water as big as money.


The wind all deep red, colorful leaves full branches.


poem clear vie, water wind cui long grass.


Will and warm spring is gradually to drive away the cold winter.



There is no failure, only die!


The old man once again dreaming about the lions.


He knew that no one is completely alone on the sea.


e back, think no one is easy.


Unless you have love, you don't know what happiness is.


As long as don't kill our difficulties will make us stronger.


Is the best training for a ething else, but in a different used to, standing in the crossroads of life, but there was no traffic lights.


The fish is bad than tuna, but so true that it is not easy to do.


I sympathize inate everything, if e more strong.


The thought of my life elapse so quickly, and I didn't really alive, I can't stand it.


The ents of life, under the shadow of sorrow and loss, the people closest to their true me.
