1、You never know your luck。命运好坏不由己。
2、Sow nothing, reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。
3、Work won't kill but worry will。劳动无害,忧愁伤身。
4、It takes all sorts to make a world。世界是由各式各样的人组成的。
5、Sweat is the lubricant of success。汗水是成功的润滑剂。
6、Rome was not built in a day。罗马不是一日建成的。
7、So many men, so many minds。人心各不同。
8、Never judge by appearances。切莫以貌取人。
9、A friend in need is a friend indeed。患难见真情。
10、Deliberate slowly, execute promptly。思谋要慢,行动要快。
11、Good is good, but better carries it。精益求精,善益求善。
12、Knock, and the door shall be opened。只要敲门,就会有人来开。
13、poverty is stranger to industry。勤劳之人不受穷。
14、Use legs and have legs。经常用腿,健步如飞。
15、What is a workman without his tools? 巧妇难为无米之炊。
16、First impressions are half the battle。先入为主。
17、Beware of the fury of a patient man。要小心脾气好的人发火。
18、He that promises too much means nothing。轻诺者寡信。
19、He who has an art has everywhere a part。一招鲜,吃遍天。
20、Merry meet, merry part。好聚好散。
21、Faults are thick where love is thin。一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。
22、Nurture passes nature。教养胜过天性。
23、Without respect, love cannot go far。没有尊重的爱难以久存。
24、Make yourself necessary to someone。使自己成为别人需要的人。
25、Some thing is learned every time a book is opened。开卷有益。
26、Ignorance is not innocence but sin。无知并非纯真,而是罪恶。
27、Custom reconciles us to everything。习惯则不怨。
28、A faint heart never won a fair lady。懦夫难得美人心。
29、No fire without smoke。无风不起浪。
30、Strike while the iron is hot。趁热打铁。
31、By doing nothing we learn to do ill。游手好闲是万恶之源。
32、Kind hearts are more than coronets。好心胜过高帽子。
33、Home is where the heart is。心在哪里,哪里就是家。
34、By his claw, you may know the lion。要知狮子看脚爪。
35、It six of one and half a dozen of the other。彼此彼此。
36、If you swear you will catch no fish。咒骂解决不了问题。
37、It is ill jesting with edged tools。手持利器,不可打闹。
38、Birth is much, but breeding is more。教养重于出身。
39、Better to do well than to say well。说得好不如做得好。
40、Mind acts upon mind。心有灵犀一点通。
41、Kindness cannot be bought for gear。钱财买不到好意。
42、A birbe will enter without knocking。贿赂毋须敲门而入。
43、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth。精神的财富是唯一的财富。
44、Each man is the architect of his own fate。每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。
45、You're uinique, nothing can replace you。你举世无双,无人可以替代。
46、Books are the food for the hungry of great mind。书籍是伟大的饥饿的粮食。
47、He that knows little soon repeats it。知识浅薄者,很快就回重复他所知的话题。
48、Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers。 知识来了,智慧却迟迟不前。
49、Can man be free if woman is a slave? 妇女当牛做马,男子焉能自由?
50、Home is home,be it never so homely。金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。。
51、Every one is witty for his own goal。为达到自己的目标,人人都很聪明。
52、Command your man and do it yourself。要求部下做到,自己也要做到。
53、Hide not your light under a bushel。不要把你的烛光藏在笆斗下。
54、Labour is light where love doth pay。以爱情作报酬,劳苦也轻松。
55、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going。到任何值得去的地方都没有捷径。
56、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime。对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。
57、Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting。阅读不思考犹如吃饭不消化。
58、Think great thoughts and you will be great!心怀伟大的理想,你将会变得伟大。
59、You have to believe in yourself。 That's the secret of success。人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。
60、Isn't it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?学而时习之,不亦乐乎?
1、对一个年轻人而言最重要的是个人价值的增加。The most important for a young man is a man of value。
2、不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。No excuses for failure, want to find methods for success。
3、你必须百分之百的把自己推销给自己。You must be one hundred percent sell himself to himself。
4、平生无一事可瞒人,此是大快。For all things to deceive people, this is big fast。
5、时间是宝贵的,抓住了时间就抓住了成功。Time is precious, grasp the time。
6、失败只有一种,那就是半途而废。There is only one kind of failure, that is to fall by the wayside。
7、第二天叫醒我的不是闹钟,其实,是梦想!The second day wake up my not alarm clock, in fact, is a dream!
8、受思深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。By deep thought proper back first, when in thick can take。
9、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。Even up to the highest hill, a step in a down-to-earth way。
10、每天晚上疲劳的睡在床上时,才感觉真真切切地过了一天。Every night sleep in a bed of fatigue, felt real a day。
11、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。Dream is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability。
12、有压力,但不会被压垮;迷茫,但永不绝望。Have pressure, but will not be overwhelmed; Lost, but never despair。
13、金钱损失了还能挽回,一旦失去信誉就很难挽回。Lost can also save money, once lost credibility is hard to recover。
14、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。The establishment of the great achievement, but can not know, is in the can。
15、努力可能失败,但放弃则意味着永远不可能成功。Efforts may fail, but to give up means that can never be successful。
16、实现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。Achieve the goal of their established, can withstand must be lonely alone。
17、只有满怀勇气,不畏艰辛,才能获得更大的成功。Only the courage, not afraid of hardship, to achieve greater success。
18、感谢老天爷所降下的雨水,为伤心淤积的心灵刷洗洁净。Thank goodness for the rain, for deposition in heart sad scrub clean。
19、一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。A person's biggest bankruptcy is desperation, the greatest assets is hope。
20、即使没有成功,但是你尽力了,你的人生也一定与众不同。Even if no success, but you do your best, your life will be different。
21、我们可以自己长得不漂亮,但绝对不能让自己的人生不漂亮。We can not pretty, but absolutely can't let your life not beautiful。
22、如果如此运行,周而复始,延绵不竭,那将是一个多么美妙的世界啊!If so, the cycle, or take up, it would be a wonderful world!
23、发现自己的闪光点,挖掘自己的潜能,做你真正喜欢的事业。Find the best in myself, digging their own potential, do you really like。
24、只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。As long as the fate can't break faith, the light of hope will dispel clouds of despair。
25、遇到困难时,我们要用自信战胜困难,战胜自己。When in trouble, we need confidence to overcome difficulties, overcome ourselves。
26、感谢你的支持,不论今天有多挫折,我仍会勇敢地活下去。Thank you for your support, no matter how setback today, I will live bravely。
27、面对人生的磨难,请用你的毅力创造生命的奇迹吧!In the face of the hardships of life, please use your willpower to create the miracle of life!
28、怕吃苦的人苦一辈子,不怕吃苦的人苦一阵子。Fear hardship, bitter for a lifetime, does not fear endures hardship people bitter for a while。
29、生命本身就是奇迹,每个人都要勇敢地去梦想,勇敢地创造奇迹。Life itself is a miracle, everyone must bravely to dream, the miracle bravely。
30、但最重要的,还是今天,是我们今天所要面对的人,所有想做的事。But most of all, still today, is the one we face today, all want to do。
31、成功就是凭着勇气和努力,不断地超越自己,做最好的自己。Success is with courage and hard work, constantly transcend yourself, do your best。
32、意志力是人的一条救生索,它可以帮助我们脱离困境,引导我们走向胜利。Willpower is a lifeline, it can help us out of the woods, lead us to victory。
33、要想获得成功,必须肯钻研。只有一样能拿出的手,那么你就是成功人。To succeed, must be willing to study。 Only one out of hand, then you are successful。
34、生活若剥去理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。If life peels off the ideal, dream, fantasy, that life is just a pile of mere skeleton。
35、成功的秘诀就在于多努力一次。为了成功,你努力了多少次?The secret of success lies in how hard again。 In order to succeed, how many times have you tried?
36、是非以不辩为解脱,烦恼以忍辱为智慧,办事以尽力为有功。Is not to argue for relief, troubles in shame, for wisdom, handle affairs to do our best to active。
37、任何事情要想取得成功,必须肯下苦功,并有坚持到底的毅力。Anything you want to succeed, must be willing to hard work, and hold on to the end of perseverance。
38、成功离你很近,只要再多一点点坚持,你就会尝到胜利的果实。Success is close to you, as long as a little more persistence, you will taste the fruits of victory。
39、你要求的次数越多,你就越容易得到你想要的东西,而且也会享受到更多的乐趣。The more you ask, the easier it is for you to get what you want, but also can enjoy more fun。
40、昨天很重要,它构建了我们的记忆;明天很重要,它让我们有了憧憬和梦想。Yesterday is very important, it builds our memory; Tomorrow is very important, it gives us hopes and dreams。
41、让自己一边成熟,一边寻找时机。等时机成熟时,理想就可以实现了。Let oneself mature, while looking for opportunity。 Such as the time is right, the ideal can be realized。
42、人家比我们强,我们向人家学;人家不如我们,我们要帮人一把。The somebody else better than us, we ask the school; The somebody else than us, we are going to gang。
43、在人生的旅途中,一定要学会自己拯救自己,这样才能在逆境中奋勇前行。In the journey of life, must learn to save themselves, so as to forge forward in adversity。
44、面对困境,我们要坚持自己的信念,就像守住一段珍贵的沉香。In the face of difficulties, we should insist on your faith, like to hold a precious Chen xiang。
45、人生会遇到很多障碍,这些障碍就像阻挡我们的布帘子,我们要勇敢地掀起它。Life will encounter many obstacles, these obstacles like stop us cretonne curtain, we want to lift it bravely。
46、哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。Even the most no hope things, as long as there is a the brave to insist to do, in the end will have hope。
47、经历过人生的风风雨雨,才能够丰富自己的阅历,理解人生的真谛。Has experienced the ups and downs of life, to enrich their experience, understand the true meaning of life。
48、你纵有千百个理由放弃,也要给自己找一个坚持下去的理由。Longitudinal have hundreds of a reason to give up you, also want to give yourself to find a reason to stick to it。
49、麻烦能让你学会很多东西,也是锻炼你自己的机会,因此不要害怕麻烦。Trouble helps you learn many things, is also a chance to exercise your own, so don't be afraid of trouble。
50、忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获别人得不到的收获。Endure other people can't endure the pain, eat other people can't eat bitterness, in order to reap others get harvest。
51、如果你孩子贫穷是你父母的罪恶,因为在他小时候,你没有给他正确的人生观。If your child poverty is your parents' evil, because in his childhood, you didn't give him a correct outlook on life。
52、不要把成功想得太遥远,有时候,它离我们很近,只是由于我们的疏忽而与它失之交臂。Don't think too far successful, sometimes, it is quite near to us, just because of our negligence with it。
53、恶是犁头,善是泥,善人常被恶人欺,铁打犁头年年坏,未见田中换烂泥。Evil is ploughshares, good is the mud, good is often the wicked deceit, iron plowshare bad year after year, no change tanaka mud。
54、准备种子,就收获果实;准备努力,就收获成功;准备今天,就收获明天。To prepare seed, we harvest the fruit; Ready to work hard, there is harvest success; prepare today, harvest tomorrow。
55、感谢黑夜的来临,我知道今天不论有多失败,全新的明天,仍然等待我来证明自己。Thank you for the coming of the night, I know that no matter how failure today, a new tomorrow, still waiting for me to prove himself。
56、吃别人所不能吃的苦,忍别人不能忍的气,做别人所不能做的事,就能享受别人所不能享受的一切。Eat other people can't eat bitter, endure other people can't endure, do what others cannot do, you can enjoy other people cannot enjoy everything。
The world belongs to the brave。
No more fear than fear itself。
Walk yourself's road, ask someone else to say。
Not afraid of the people have a road ahead。
Faith is a great emotion, a kind of creative power。
Silence than mean more conducive to social。
Ambition and perseverance are the wings of my career。
Are you afraid of wolves, don't go in the woods。
Comes at a cost to the bold is making progress。
The most terrible enemy is no strong belief。
pure of heart, life is full of sweet and joy。
personally is mortal, as a whole is immortal。
Easy to anger, is the most significant weakness of character。
Be bold, matchless strength will be great to help you。
Ask for help, for easier than for the rich to the poor。
No matter how you angry, don't make any irreparable。
Good temper is a person can wear the best clothes in the social。
Brave and triumphalism often makes to battle over。
Indomitable willpower can conquer any peak in the world!
Consumed in the past all forget, heart selfless heaven and earth wide。
Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you。
pessimistic people have ceased to live, optimistic person never dies。
Life is not a kind of enjoyment, but a pile is heavy work。
If you want to love your own value, you have to create value to the world。
Death is everyone can do, courage is the brave to live。
A few flies bite a few mouth, must not hold a heroic horse gallop。
Not to distrust of all people to view, but be careful and firm。
One's life can make mistakes, is often worry about making mistakes。
A man's real greatness lies in his perception of his own smallness。
Life is like a sea, only the strong will of people, to reach the other shore。
In at least. Face the present with the least amount of waste. the failure.
If in the heart, dream on, nothing impossible.
Reason is higher than the soul thought than relationship is reliable.
All the secrets of the future is hidden in the daily life.
Youth is open-minded, should use this period to develop their open-minded character.
Genius in terms of its essence is just the love of enterprise, the working process of the just.
The real value is not in the stage of life, and in our role.
Heard good things, such as the sponge in water. Firmly.
Believe in yourself you will be able to succeed.
Faith is a great emotion, a kind of creative power.
All stand reading the language again, must be worth thinking about.
It is your responsibility, must dare to undertake!
Even the immature attempt is better than a stillborn strategy.
I succeed because I aim at success!
As long as the road is right, is not afraid of road far.
Make up our biggest obstacle to learning is kno.
On people, depending on others; Under the people to see themselves.
The value of a person, should see him what contribution, should not look at what he achieved.
A life without a friend, just like no sunshine in life.
The most powerful bodhisattva, is our hands and brain.
In teaching there should be no distinction of classes。
Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseveranceand application?
When it comes to benevolence, one need not give precedence even to his teacher。
Learn as if you could not reach your object, and were always fearing also lest you should lose it。
Learning without thought is labourlost; thought without learning is perilous。
If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others。
He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors。
They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it。
I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there。
In a hamlet of ten families, there may be found one honourable and sincere as I am, but not so fond of learning。
The silent treasuring up of knowledge; learning without satiety; and instructing others without being wearied -- which one of these things belongs to me?
When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers。 xiaogushicom I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them。
I ise, put together back yesterday.
The most painful pain is to forgive, the most black black is despair.
Dribs and drabs are memories, wave sleeve how easy.
No one with you, can not contradiction is life itself.
Jealousy is his own enemy, also is the enemy of others.
You don't want to do, is you don't have to do.
Ideal is not used to implement, is used to close.
Is your pale I why we set out.
ent of the eternal.
Love is patient, love is a gift, love is endless.
All people can be a y.
Loneliness is the air you breathe it and felt his presence.
e, again to entwine, connect oneself feel greedy.
Conscience is the root of life.
Friendship is al orro, people praise the former.
The compulsory social system is not eternal.
Value en even in sorros couldn't climb up.
Life the most long not live most time.
The success of one minute, the cost is the failure of years.
Didn't double diligence, neither can nor a genius.
Hard to strive for success, but don't expect a certain success.
I also could not say a life, is not an easy thing.
people will always be to learn. e.
Love is not a language can be expressed, only ething, do it ach and prehensive development.
Courage is the inevitable result of intelligence and education.
All self interested in life, are irrational, the animal's life.
Man's happiness lies in the life, the life exists in the labor.
If the teacher only to the cause of love, then he is a good teacher if the education of the love and the love of the students into one, he is a perfect teacher.
Must is a slave, but for people should be chosen is the slave your bread.
The less you give to others, the more you ask for.
Ideal is the beacon, without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life.
It is a very painful thing for a man who is buried in the brain and is not always active.
people, is a river, the river where the water is still water, which is no objection. However, the river is narrow, there is wide, there is calm, there is clear, there is cold, cloudy, there are warm and so on, and people are the same.
There is no simple, good and true, there is no great.
A pure conscience, that life is a s.
I believe that my oething one has given to others, the less he has asked, the better one is; the less he has given to others, the more he is asked, the more he becomes ill.
You end to know.
Remember: there is only one time that is important, and that is now! It is important because it is the time for us to make a difference.